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What To Do When You Are Afraid To Say The Wrong Thing

What opportunities and possibilities do you find yourself diminishing or killing off because you're afraid to say the wrong thing?

Afraid To Say The Wrong Thing

Have you ever been asked this question?

“If you were a super villain, who would you be and what would be your power?”

This was not a question that my chiropractor was used to being asked, but I had just come from a conference call with some colleagues where we were discussing how to bring more of our personalities into our businesses and brands, and the topic of heroes and villains had come up.

You know,” my chiropractor pondered, “I think the worst feeling in the world is shame. It just stops people in their tracks. So my supervillain would be Shame Spiral, and he would freeze people from the power of shame.”


Do you have conversations like this with your health providers? Because seriously, you should.

Author and shame researcher Brené Brown says, “Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough….it corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.”

Shame and the avoidance of shame shows up as embarrassment or fear of embarrassment, anxiety, depression, worry, resentment – what’s your flavor?

And shame definitely shows up as your fear of “saying the wrong thing.”

What opportunities and possibilities do you find yourself diminishing or killing off because you’re afraid of saying the wrong thing and looking foolish, or being wrong, or not looking good? How do you make yourself smaller and less bright because of how you think what you have to say might or might not come across to others?

Shame, in our bodies, can feel like we are dying – so we try and avoid it at all costs.

However, the solution to what to do when you’re afraid of shame, embarrassment, “looking bad” and saying the wrong thing is counterintuitive.  I echo what Brené says…

“As a shame researcher, I know that the very best thing to do in the midst of a shame attack is totally counterintuitive: Practice courage and reach out!”

Courage is the antidote to shame. So then, how to create courage? My favorite activation point for courage is one simple and easy to conjure feeling.


The courageous lion is still a cat, our avatar for curiosity. When you are feeling concerns about saying the wrong thing, being embarrassed, or risking shame, engaging your curiosity triggers your creativity, your inner wonder-er, and your sense of play.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to engage your curiosity and replace your own personal “Shame Spiral” with your inner “Courageous Curious Crusader.”

Shame Trigger 1:  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

Curiosity Trigger 1:  “I wonder how I’ll grow from this experience.”

Shame Trigger 2:  “What if they don’t like it/me/this?”

Curiosity Trigger 2“This is going to be interesting-I wonder where this will lead me?”

Shame Trigger 3:  “I’m not qualified to do this.”

Curiosity Trigger 3:  “I wonder what I can add in to my knowledge or expertise to make this even better?”

Notice the pattern of the phrase, “I wonder…” This simple phrase is a deep and effective trigger to shift you from a shame reaction to a courageous and curious one.

We are always in the process of evolving into our greatness, try on replacing your automatic responses of shame, worry, and concern this week with those of curiosity, and see where it leads you – and let us know what you discover, we read and respond to every email.

Keep going, and keep growing!

What International Authors Need to Know About Audiobook Publishing

What international authors need to know about their new audiobook publishing options.

International Authors - Tina Dietz Audiobook Publishing

Recently some new audiobook publishing options have come available for international authors that I'm very excited about. Since the time I decided to launch the nonfiction audiobook production and publishing arm of my company, I knew I had to include options for international authors. After 20 years of building businesses with people from all over the world, if I was going to serve my community right, it simply had to be that way. So imagine my surprise when I found a complete lack of options for international authors who wanted to create and publish an audiobook.

We created a system whereby international authors fully benefit from the self publishing royalties and benefits offered by Audible and Amazon, without sacrificing their intellectual property rights – plus they maintain full creative control. Authors can narrate their own books or have a fabulous narrator and be fully supported in their audiobook strategy, production, and publishing. In essence, I created the services that I wanted for myself, my clients and my colleagues.

With the exponential growth of audiobooks over the last 6 years or so, I’m surprised it’s taken as long as it has for more options to open up for international authors, and there’s still room for growth. Publishers Weekly reported that 2016 was yet again another double digit year for audiobook sales growth over the previous year.

Good News for Irish & Canadian Authors is the self publishing platform for Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. For many long years, only authors based in the US or the UK had access to publishing their audiobooks through this channel. However, on June 1, 2017, ACX announced that now Canadian and Irish authors now have access to this platform. Excellent news for authors in those countries, although that's still a lot of room on the globe left without access.

But Wait…There’s More!

​That brings me to another option for international authors to get their audiobooks published, which is Authors Republic. Some of my audiobook clients want to distribute their audiobooks beyond Audible, Amazon and iTunes. They want a wider reach to libraries, Barnes & Noble, and additional outlets like and Scribd. Authors Republic makes that distribution possible. Although they don't advertise outright that they work with international authors, in truth anyone who has a PayPal account and who has produced an audiobook to the correct audio standards can upload their audiobook to Authors Republic to be considered by these additional outlets for distribution and sale. The potential disadvantage is a reduced royalty rate, which is why having a solid audiobook launch, distribution, and marketing strategy is so important.

Here are 5 ways you can make the most of having an Audiobook and learn more about best practices, production, and marketing.

Would you like to listen in on some of our audiobooks?

5 Strategies to Master Profitable Business Relationships

Because relationships are the heart and soul of business, I've gleaned five powerful strategies to master Profitable Business Relationships.

Profitable Business Relationships

I think one of the best compliments I ever received was, “Geez, you’re like Tim Ferriss and my Italian Grandmother had a love child!” You’re welcome for the mental image, by the way. In this case, the “Italian Grandmother” part of the equation refers to my unabashed enthusiasm for bringing people together and extolling their many talents and virtues to each other. I adore connecting wonderful people to each other and watching the collaborations, opportunities, and new ideas that happen as a result of those connections blossom.

Relationships are the heart and soul of business, that pumping lifeblood that keeps us all growing. So in concert with my character, and my commitment to bring together amazing people and resources, I’ve gleaned five powerful strategies for you to use-regardless of the type of business you’re in-from brilliant entrepreneurs I admire along with one of my very own habits for spinning relationship gold.

1. Spin a Web of Warm Introductions

Authors interested in having their books turned into audiobooks often send me copies of their work for review. Regardless if we work together, I make a point of introducing them to someone in my network who would be a wonderful connection for them, and vice versa. Not only does this delight everyone involved, it keeps my services as an audiobook and podcast producer top of mind.

How do you easily create a “warm email introduction” effectively? One quick and easy method is to go to your colleague’s LinkedIn or “About” page and use the first couple of sentences as your email copy. Here’s an example of a warm introduction email I just recently sent to give you an idea, along with an example of the copy that I give my referral partners so they can easily introduce me to the people in their circles as well.

2. Make Sure Everyone Wins

As the host of an annual virtual summit, Bailey Richert suggests building business relationships is about creating projects and partnerships where everyone involved wins. “No one wants to feel like they’re being invited to the party purely for what assets they can bring to the table. They also want to walk away having benefited in a concrete way,” she says.

Bailey states one of her biggest relationship-building tips when working on her summit is to email every speaker individually. Mass emails, while faster, do not make your partners feel valued. Instead, they can work against you, making partners feel like they’re being leveraged. Instead, personalized emails let partners know you are concerned with their success and overall satisfaction with the project being conducted.

3. Take Time to Authentically Spread the Love

Intuitive business coach, Rebecca Liston suggests that using social media isn’t about lead generation but about deepening the relationships with people we already know. “Mastering business relationships is all supporting one another to shine because we simply want the best for one another.”

Rebecca says that you can easily do this by commenting on the posts of people you know and sharing their information freely and genuinely. I do this because I want to, because I care about them, and because I want them to shine. Each week I “Spread the Love” about a colleague that I adore, and respect. I write a personal note about who they are to me, and why I think the world of them, and why I think that the world ought to know them

4. Show Up (for Real)

“One of the biggest things I’ve learned this year is to show up,” says Stella Orange, a marketing teacher. Orange draws inspiration from her days as a playwright, who regularly attended friends’ performances and openings. “Nothing says ‘I care about you’ like showing up for an event,” she says. If you can’t get there in person, she says send a card or flowers.

One of Orange’s best tips is to nurture personal relationships over time. Check in with colleagues and promotional partners periodically, to stay current and connected. Keep track of what you talked about, and carve out time each week to cultivate relationships colleague relationships. Those conversations build rapport and trust over time, and lead to the most fruitful, organic and rich collaborations.

5. Reach Out With Genuine Interest

“Not dropping the ball on follow up has been huge,” says Sarah Dew, a marketing strategist. It’s easy to have an initial conversation with a potential partner but to in order to grow and nurture that relationship you have to have authentic connections through out the year. 

Sarah’s best tip is to make sure you check in with your colleagues and partners frequently and regularly. Always approach every interaction thinking, what can I do for them? Is there some way I can make their lives easier or brighten their day? Consistently following up and staying connected will quickly turn your partners and colleagues into close friends, who will have your back when you need it. 

What are some of your favorite ways to build business relationships?

5 Ways to Audiobook Like a Boss

If you are an author keen on taking advantage of this booming advancement in publishing, these are my 5 ways to audiobook like a boss.

Audiobook Like a Boss

Audiobooks are the fastest-growing sector of the entire publishing industry. Statistics put forth by the Association of American Publishers show ebook sales down 19.2% and audiobook downloads up by 31.1% from 2015 to 2016. One factor that contributes to this exponential increase in audiobook readership is accessibility—audiobooks are now available through our phones, laptops, and tablets. There's no barrier to where and when we can listen.

As a result, more and more non-fiction authors are recognizing the incredible potential audiobooks offer their business. Eager entrepreneurs, however, may dive in headfirst without giving sufficient forethought into how this unique tool can best be leveraged.

As a nonfiction audiobook publishing specialist, I see critical mistakes and bottom-line opportunities overlooked time and again. If you are an author keen on taking advantage of this booming advancement in publishing—and you have every reason to be—pay attention to these five factors that will bring your audiobook skill level from beginner to boss.

1. Don’t Voice Your Own Book (unless…)

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, “Should I narrate my own book, or work with a narrator?” That is the wrong question to ask. What you really want answered is the question, “Is there any advantage to narrating the book myself?” Most often, the answer is no. Here’s why:

Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) reports that it takes an average of 6.2 hours of production time for a professional narrator and editor to create one hour of finished audio. That means that an average non-fiction book of 60,000 words requires twenty-five to thirty hours of production time—for an experienced professional. Even if you’re an experienced public speaker or podcaster, the skill set for audiobook narration is distinct. In addition to specialized voice training and having to learn microphone and breathing technique, consider the time and expense for a home recording studio setup or rental time in a recording studio. All in all, you can reasonably expect to triple your time investment or more.

Instead, your audiobook could be professionally produced at a reasonable cost and delivered to the world with ease in about 6 weeks. You could be reaping the benefits and leveraging this asset like a boss, rather than spending your time and money going through a learning curve you simply don’t need to go through.

There is however, an exception to this rule. If you have a following in the millions who is used to you speaking on stages, on TED talks or in other audio recordings—and you have built your platform and reputation around your unique voice and speaking qualities—then you may be a good candidate to voice your own audiobooks. Otherwise, ditch the temptation to try to save money—because you won’t.

2. Know Your Rights

Don’t fall prey to the amateur mistake of not knowing your audio rights. It is imperative that you understand the legalities of audiobook production, so that you can protect your intellectual and financial investments.

If you're planning to work with a publisher, this information is absolute gold for you as you negotiate your contract. Many authors sign their audio rights away without even knowing it—they find out after the fact that an audiobook version of their print book has been created, and worse yet, they won’t receive reasonable royalties for the sales of that audiobook. With the rise in audiobook popularity, lack of attention to this detail can add up to substantial financial loss.

3. Collect Bounties

Audible, Amazon, and iTunes have a common back end for self-published authors to produce audiobooks. It’s called (Audiobook Creation Exchange). If you hold the rights to your audiobook and distribute your audiobook through, you are eligible to earn bounties.

A bounty is an additional type of earning paid to you when your book is the first purchase of a new Audible member. For each bounty earned, you receive $50.

Unfortunately, ACX is only available if you live in the U.S. or U.K., but a good audiobook publisher can help you take advantage of this opportunity as well as self-publishing royalty rates, adding significant income to your bottom line.

4. Leverage Your Launch

There are two “right” ways to launch an audiobook. In one scenario, your previously launched print or digital book is given new life by being turned into an audiobook format.

This strategy gives you the ability to have an entirely new product launch without having to create any new content. If your content needs a little updating, then pairing an “anniversary edition” or “second edition” of your book with an audiobook version is a fantastic option.

Second, if you’re in the process of getting ready to publish a new book, having an audiobook version will extend the life of your launch. To have a powerful launch, you want to reach as many people for as long as possible. Releasing your audiobook two to twelve weeks following your initial book release allows you to keep the momentum and excitement going—with minimal changes to your social media and email content.

5. Build a Podcast Tour

In today’s high-tech publishing world, it’s no secret that in-person book tours are not a cost or time-effective means to connecting with your market. Blog book tours have been an alternative practice for several years now, but a lesser-known opportunity exists via podcast tours.

A podcast is a downloadable, online radio show—a thriving platform for effectively broadcasting your brand. There are now nearly 60 million people in the U.S. alone listening to podcasts every month; this presents a giant opportunity for you to engage with potential readers—if they listen to podcasts, they likely also listen to audiobooks.

Connect with the hosts of podcast shows that intersect with your target market, and arrange to be a guest expert on their shows. Conduct a book reading, answer insider questions about the subject matter, and share how listeners can access further information about your title and services.

To really be a boss, send a short clip of your audiobook to the podcast host in advance of your interview, and invite them to post the clip along with their Amazon affiliate link to your book and audiobook. The host can also include this link in his or her website copy (or “show notes,” as they are known in podcasting) for your podcast episode. This strategy creates more rich content for the host, and an opportunity for both you and the host to benefit financially.

Work with the podcast host to have the show published during your initial launch window, and boom—you’ve successfully leveraged your audiobook to drive sales and initial rankings far beyond the level of a mere beginner.

Would you like to listen in on some of our audiobooks?

3 Techniques to Tame the Identity Monster in Your Head

Do you know those voices in your head that tell you all kinds of nasty things about yourself? That is Identity Monster – Here's how you can tame it

Identity Monster - Tina Dietz

A colleague of mine sent me a panicked text while I was on a call with a client. He was so freaked out that I called him right after my session, but I wasn’t expecting what he had to say.

​”I just got the biggest opportunity of my life,” he said. “It’s what I've always wanted.”

“But since I found out,” he went on, “I've spent the last four hours playing online soccer and I'm completely paralyzed.”

This is the Identity Monster in full attack.

You know those voices in your head that tell you all kinds of nasty things about yourself, right?

“There’s a million people doing the same thing as you, how can you possibly compete?”

“You can’t do this, you’re way too lazy.” (or fat, or stupid, or ugly, or poor)

“HOW much money did you spend? Oh no, what are you going to do now?”

“Who do you think you are, anyway?”

This is the voice of the Identity Monster. The favorite tools of the Identity Monster are a megaphone and an old school boom box with a tape set to “repeat.” The tape replays all the crap in your head that gets triggered when your comfort level is threatened.

This Monster's job is to maintain the status quo. Even when good things are happening, the Identity Monster really sucks at telling the difference between a threat and an opportunity, so it reacts pretty much the same way in both scenarios.

Oh, the glorious neurology of it all!

Here are three ways to tame the Identity Monster, get yourself off the ledge, and back into the groovalicious flow so you can have more of what you want in life – because that’s why you’re reading this, right? In the video I go into more detail on all three of these techniques, plus you get to see a little piece of one of the places I’ve lived in Costa Rica, which is just good for your brain.

1. Revisit your big picture

Take the focus off of your current reaction and circumstances and put it on your larger view in the world – the legacy you want to leave, the impact you’re out to make, your inspiring vision of the future, and so on. If your thoughts and actions are ‘facing outwards’ instead of on your internal voices and neurological hamster wheel, it disrupts the repetitive thoughts to guide you back on track.

2. Create new brain wiring with a Daily Workshop

Create a sacred space for yourself on a daily basis, even if it's 15 minutes to start. Use that time to get present to what you're most excited about, what you appreciate and what you're grateful for, and the one or two goals or accomplishments that you're focused on for that day. Even celebrating small accomplishments (some days, that’s getting out of bed or going a whole morning without getting distracted by Facebook), when done repeatedly and consistently, helps you maintain a more solution-focused state of mind.

3. Challenge the voices in your head to a battle of wits!

When those nasty voices in your head pop up, you may have noticed that if you try to directly combat them, they come back twice as strong. This is known as the “I'm rubber, you're glue” Principle. Very technical. Instead, use your brain’s natural abilities to break up the beliefs using techniques like evidence gathering and disarming humor. These techniques are not only highly effective, they can be incredibly entertaining as well. What does your Identity Monster sound like?

You can find details and examples of these techniques in the video – enjoy and send me a tweet to let me know which one is your favorite!

The New Expert Platform: Using Podcast Interviews For Thought Leadership Marketing

Podcasting is one of the fastest and easiest ways to establish authority – Let me show you how you can leverage it for thought leadership marketing.

Originally published on ForbesThought Leadership Marketing

It’s no longer only insider knowledge — podcasting is one of the fastest and easiest ways to establish authority. Whether you’re just starting to build a business or you and your company have long-established credentials, this online audio platform can catapult your influence beyond the capabilities of many other expert-building marketing platforms. Since there are now 65 million people in the U.S. listening to podcasts every month, thought leaders have an exciting opportunity before them to engage new audiences and build their brand.

Getting featured on TV or publishing a book still serve as gold standards for having achieved expert status, but podcasting has made it possible for even budding business owners to share their knowledge and expertise with a wide audience.

The advantage of this modern platform is that it’s open publicity — meaning the host has the freedom to generate the message and control the content. Podcasting also requires fewer resources and is more accessible because audio is available to consumers when text and video are not. The convenience of listening to downloadable audio files on smartphones or tablets has allowed for a new wave of attentive, on-the-go listeners.

The opportunity to reach your target market by using your personal voice offers an additional layer of communication to convey your company values and brand authenticity. Doing so deepens trust and develops loyalty. By using a conversational format, leaders have the freedom to articulate what makes their business unique, without using typical marketing jargon.   

As you may have gathered, podcasting isn’t just for entrepreneurs. Bigger brands, industry leaders and corporations often miss a big opportunity by not taking advantage of this trend.

Below, we’ll focus on leaders who are looking to establish themselves as experts and develop their spheres of influence.

How Can You Get Started With Podcasting?

You don’t need to be a host yourself. One of the best ways to introduce yourself to a new market is as a guest. Hosts are hungry for content. They are searching for people like you to feature on their podcasts to keep their shows fresh and to provide value to their audience. Libsyn, one of the largest commercial podcast hosting companies, reports an increase from 16,000 hosted shows in 2013 to 22,000 shows in 2014 to 28,000 shows in 2015. These numbers are expected to continue to increase as more people become exposed to the platform.

The key is to connect with the hosts of shows most appropriate for your subject niche, and to do so in a way that’s personal — your chance of getting a response lowers dramatically if you have an assistant send an email.

Podcast hosts want a good fit on their show; if they decide to have you on as a guest, they will take the time to give you ideas on how you can most effectively reach their audience. One way to find podcasts that are looking for guests is to do a keyword search in iTunes or Google for shows with topics that appeal to your ideal clients or target market. iTunes is to podcasts as what Amazon is to books; it is the premier platform for broadcasting your audio message to an eager audience.

You don’t have to start with cold leads, however. The easiest opportunities for guest spots may exist under your nose, via your colleagues. Ask people you know who have been podcast guests to introduce you to the hosts of those shows. Referrals can go a long way in establishing credibility and building relationships.

If you have the resources, you can also use a booking service to acquire guest spots; there are several excellent companies that can take care of placing you on the perfect shows.

How To Leverage Podcast Interviews

Once you’ve secured a podcast spot, there are an extraordinary number of ways you can use, and re-use, this valuable material. You can now post audio clips on your website or blog; include audio clips in your media kit or feature them on your company profile page or LinkedIn page. You can share the audio across social media, or use the transcribed content for new articles or blog posts. A wealth of marketing assets is available at your fingertips when you have podcast content.

As thought leaders, experts and business owners, we’re always looking for ways to increase our exposure and to grow our communities of loyal followers. Podcasts are free to access, there are so many shows to choose from, and it takes virtually no technical know-how to get started as a guest. These characteristics make being featured on podcast interviews one of the best “New Expert Platforms” available today.

Want to learn more aboutpodcasting for your business?

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Kill Their Productivity

How much time do you spend collecting information, certifications, and more training? Yep, these are some of the ways entrepreneurs kill their productivity.

ways entrepreneurs kill their productivity - Tina Dietz

There has rarely been a better time in history to start a business. In 2013, more than 135,000 jobs were added to the US market and guess where nearly half those jobs came from? SMALL businesses. To really make it as an entrepreneur you need tremendous tenacity, top notch networking skills, and a no-fear approach to sales—even in the most heart-centered of business ventures. But if you’re reading this, I’m probably not telling you anything new yet, and what you want is to break through to the next level of time and money freedom in your business.

Every industry I’ve worked with-and there have been more than 20+ industries internationally-has its own unique quirks and challenges. However, some very common trends arise when it comes to how you’re likely to sabotage yourself regarding time and your productivity.

Productivity Killer #1: The “Perpetual Expert”

Collecting information is only useful if it is immediately practical. If you have a client who has a question, look it up. Google is your friend, and problem solving when there’s actually no problem is a drain of time, energy, and resources. The brain only retains about 10% of the information that it is exposed to, so chances are you’re going to have to look it up again anyway if you need it at all. Your time is better spent finding out what your ideal clients need, and focusing on filling those needs in a targeted and concise manner.

Productivity Killer #2: Having an Open Schedule

There’s a difference between being available and being a 24/7 hotline. Have a policy that you will always return communications within a certain amount of time (say 12, 24, or 48 hours) and honor that policy. This gives you room to breathe, builds trust with your clients, and also sets clear expectations. People value a service more when they know they have to plan for it, and most “emergencies” resolve themselves or quickly become non-emergencies if you don’t feed the energy of a knee-jerk reaction. Limit checking your email and voice mail to 2-3 times a day for a half hour at a time. Unless it’s someone you’re waiting to hear from, don’t pick up your phone when it rings. These practices will have you focus on your most important tasks and keep your responses to the point.

Productivity Killer #3: Being Too Friendly

This goes for both colleagues and clients. Obviously you don’t want to be a jerk, but it’s completely doable to be kind even when you’re setting a boundary or saying no. Gossip, social media, and instant messaging, and other kinds of chitchat can wipe out hours of your day, leaving you frustrated and scrambling to get your priorities handled. The same goes for meetings. Start by wearing a phone headset (in the case of an office setting) or putting a “please do not disturb” sign on your office door if you have one (even at home) to reduce distractions and interruptions. Minimize your time in live or phone meetings by partnering up with a colleague and trading off going to meetings and taking notes for each other. As for clients, steer clear of personal entanglements. If you’re with a client who is on a roll with a personal story, reach over and give a gentle, compassionate squeeze to their shoulder or hand and say, “you’re really going through some difficulty right now, so why don’t we take a step back and see where I can best help you.” You can then redirect the conversation to a more solution-focused place. Don’t be afraid to interrupt them, they will thank you for it later.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the comments if you have any of these “killers.”

How To Improve Your Service Provider’s Follow Up Emails

This one can be a real “forehead slapper.” Here’s how I helped one of my clients, a regional sales director for a major pest control company, transform his follow up emails to get more clients.

Follow Up Emails - Tina Dietz

I had shown my client how to create lists of perfect potential clients using local and internet resources, and we had already gone through the process of how to be great with shifting short term clients into being long term clients. He had been promoted, been given a larger territory and bigger clients, and had record sales for the slowest months of the year in less than 6 months. BUT, now that he knows what he wants his Perfect Day to be, he’s got some fabulous BHAG’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) for the year, and he wasn’t getting the results he wanted from reaching out to the companies that he could help.

Here was the problem—the follow up email.

Here is his original email to follow up after having a brief first phone or in person chat with a potential client:

Original Follow Up Email

Good morning Dawn,

Thank you for taking a few minutes to chat with me. Below you’ll find a brief summary of {HIS COMPANY’S} history & my contact info.

Please keep us in mind for your pest control needs.

Thank you,


Company Name

Phone Number

The Problem And The Solution

Remember how the teacher’s voice sounded in Charlie Brown cartoons? That’s how this email sounds. It’s totally forgettable, totally impersonal. Something very important to remember about followup emails is that they are like a thank you card. Every contact with a prospect is an opportunity to create relationship from one human being to another. It doesn’t matter if you’re offering a massage or carpet cleaning, make sure your personality shines through! My client has a FANTASTIC personality. He’s warm, funny, and sweet. He genuinely cares about his clients and the work he does. None of that was present in his follow up email. Here’s how we transformed his follow up email, and I highly recommend that you use this example as a template for you to use for your own follow ups.

Transformed Follow Up Email

Dear Dawn,

Great to meet you this morning and I appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to chat with me. I know that with how cold it is that pest control probably isn’t top of mind for you right now, but I like to make sure all my customers are prepared for what’s to come. After all, it’s way less stressful to prevent a problem than it is to deal with a crisis, right?

Just so you have all the information you need, check out what I’ve put together for you below, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email me or give me a call on my mobile number at XXX-XXX-XXXX. If you see something buzzing or crawling, I’ll make sure it gets taken care of.

{video} Be Prepared for Pests! Warning Signs for your building, business, or facility

{PDF} Company Profile & Our Commitment to Our Clients

I’d like to stop by next week and make sure your questions are answered—when is a good time for you and what do you take in your coffee?

Thanks again and I look forward to helping your business.

Warm Regards,

Name, Title

Company Name

Phone Number


Would you want to do business with you more from the first email, or the second email?

When you’re following up a potential client, be YOU. People want to know that you care, that you’re not just a number, AND that you know your stuff. This is so crucial because it’s the first opportunity you’re giving people to really interact with you as a professional and demonstrate your ability to fill a need and follow up and respond.

Now I’m going to dissect the elements of this email so that you can craft your personal followup template. Include the following elements in your follow up email:

Your Email Follow Up Template

Dear NAME,

{APPRECIATION} Great to meet you this morning and I appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to chat with me. {CONVERSATION THAT INCLUDES YOUR COMMITMENT} I know that with how cold it is that pest control probably isn’t top of mind for you right now, but I like to make sure all my customers are prepared for what’s to come. {POWERFUL QUESTION} After all, it’s way less stressful to prevent a problem than it is to deal with a crisis, right?

{CARING INVITATION} Just so you have all the information you need, check out what I’ve put together for you below, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email me or give me a call on my mobile number at XXX-XXX-XXXX. If you see something buzzing or crawling, I’ll make sure it gets taken care of.


{video} Be Prepared for Pests! Warning Signs for your building, business, or facility

{PDF} Company Profile & Our Commitment to Our Clients

{CALL TO ACTION/WARM INVITATION} I’d like to stop by next week and make sure your questions are answered—when is a good time for you and what do you take in your coffee?

Thanks again and I look forward to helping your business.

Warm Regards,


Company Name

Phone Number


Ready to give it a try? I challenge you to take the time this week to send follow up emails to some of the folks you’ve talked to in the past and create connection–get the conversation flowing and remember, it’s all about YOU help THEM solve a problem, not making a sale. Got questions or comments? We love your comments. 🙂

Get Referrals from Networking Events & Groups

One of the biggest complaints I hear from business owners is that networking events are uncomfortable and a waste of time because they’re not getting clients. Well, that’s your first mistake.

Networking Events

You may end up with participants in a networking group or from a networking event becoming your clients, but in general that’s not where your biggest value is from networking. You are far more likely to gain colleagues, allies, and referral sources from than you are clients.

So why aren’t you getting referrals? Because your follow through sucks. Here’s how to reverse that condition and get referrals from your networking efforts.

Let’s take the case of your neighborhood Massage Therapist, since I’ve worked with or interacted with thousands of these professionals over the years. It is rare indeed to even find a Massage Therapist at a networking event, which is a shame, but another story.

The Problem

Let’s say that the heroine of our story (we’ll call her Jane) has been going to a networking group put on by her local Chamber of Commerce for several months. She likes the people there, and a couple of the folks in her group have come for treatment sessions, but that’s it.

In my coaching session with Jane, we have this conversation about the topic:

Me: How many one on one meetings have you had with folks in the group so far?

Jane: …um?

Me: How many referrals have you given other folks in the group?

Jane: Oh geez, that’s a good point. I don’t know if I have anyone for them.

Me: And that’s how they probably feel about you. They’re just not sure who to refer, and how, and when.

The Solution

Jane went back to her group, and when she got up to share she told the rest of the group that she’d like to get to know everyone better and who their ideal clients are so that she could give good referrals to them. Before she left the meeting, she had 6 appointments (3 phone calls and 3 coffee or lunch meetings) set up with various members of the group.

This is not the end of the story.

In our session, I helped Jane practice the kinds of questions and requests that were going to help deepen the relationship faster, as well as find out quickly if the folks she was talking with were going to be good referral sources for her. Since she already had created the profile of her Ideal Client and Ideal Colleague, this was a lot easier.

After her meetings, Jane used this template to follow up and did she get referrals? Within 2 weeks Jane had received 8 referrals, 6 of whom booked massage treatments right away.

Jane’s Referral Request Email

Dear Steve,

Great meeting with you yesterday over coffee. I was glad to learn more about your business. I really appreciate getting together and I think we can help each other out. What kinds of referrals are you looking for? I’ve got some specific types of clients that my services really make a difference with, so if you’re up for it, I was wondering if you would mind letting me know if you know anyone like this?

  • Someone who is in pain like back pain or headaches
  • Folks who are under a lot of stress
  • Anyone who has recently been in an accident, had a fall, a car crash, etc.
  • People who are training for an event like a marathon, triathlon, martial arts, or who are athletes.

I’d also be happy to help out and take care of anyone you know who just wants to relax, feel great, and increase their mobility. I’ll make sure the problem doesn’t come back!

I am very open to working with anyone you refer to me, so when you hear of people that would benefit from my services, please know that I am always grateful when you let them know that they can call me at ­­­­­­­­XXX-XXXX or email me XXXX@XXXXX.COM. I’ll get right back to them and set up a complimentary assessment and evaluation over the phone.

Remember to let me know what kinds of referrals are you looking for too so I can return the favor. Thanks!

All the Best,

Jane Smith, LMT

Owner, Pain-Away Massage Clinic



This kind of warm, focused email makes it so easy for someone to come up with names, and they know exactly what to do. All the pressure is off, and they’re clear on how they can help. Plus, this level of follow through and professionalism lets someone know that they can ask you for the same and it builds their confidence that you know your business.

Your Referral Request Template

Dear _____,

Great meeting with you for coffee/lunch/for our phone chat. I was glad to learn more about your business. I really appreciate getting together and I think we can help each other out. What kinds of referrals are you looking for? I’ve got some specific types of businesses/clients/customers that our services/products really make a difference with, so if you’re up for it, I was wondering if you would mind letting me know if you know anyone who is a manager or owner at any of the following kinds of businesses/dealing with this type of problem/fits this description?

Bullet points of who your ideal clients/target market is

I’d also be happy to help out and take care of anyone you know who is having a problem with _______________. I’ll make sure the problem doesn’t come back!

I am very open to working with anyone you refer to me, so when you hear of people that would benefit from my services, please know that I am always grateful when you let them know that they can call me at ­­­­­­­­____________ or email me _________________. I’ll get right back to them and set up a complimentary assessment/evaluation/consultation.

Remember to let me know what kinds of referrals are you looking for too so I can return the favor. Thanks!

Warm Regards,


Company Name

Phone Number


This weeks’ challenge is to go through your contact list and set up phone chats (I call them “virtual teas”) or in-person meetings for coffee, drinks, or lunch to connect with people who you think would be good to have a deeper collegial relationship with. Then, personalize use this template to follow up and see what happens!

Click the social share buttons below to give this template to your colleagues and friends who could use a business boost!

2 Minute Confidence Boost

We all possess the innate ability to boost our confidence levels in literally two minutes with this simple Confidence Boost.

Confidence Boost

Whether you’re starting a business, a movement, or just changing habits in your life it takes time, energy, persistence, tenacity, and confidence.

Lots and lots of confidence. But we don’t always have that level of confidence. Fortunately we all possess the innate ability to change our confidence level quite literally in two minutes.

Getting out there and starting something in the world really takes something. We have bad days, we’ve had bad experiences that we don’t want to repeat, other people’s negative messages get stuck in our heads….Yuck.

Out in the wild, animals express their dominance (an expression of confidence) by taking up more space. Appearing to be bigger than they actually are, pacing back-and-forth, puffing themselves up, and other displays. At our core, we are no different. Confident people often seem to take up more space in a room. They spread themselves out, use large hand gestures, and when they speak they often will move around quite a bit. Think about how a confident motivational speaker uses a stage-rarely that really ever stand in just one place, they use the entire stage.

On the other hand, when an animal or a human is feeling frightened or has a lack of confidence, they tend to make themselves small. Curling up in a ball, crossing your arms across your midsection, tucking your chin to your chest are some examples.

So we all know that body language affects the way that other people perceive us. But did you know that your body language also affects how YOU see you? And I’m not talking about looking in a mirror.

Researchers at Harvard have found that by adopting anyone of a number of “power poses” for 2 minutes, we can boost our confidence. These poses raise your level of testosterone (even in women) and lower your level of cortisol. No, you’re not going to get a burst of testosterone that’s going to make you more aggressive,but testosterone increase in both genders is associated with feelings of confidence, control, and well-being. Cortisol, on the other hand, is a stress hormone. It tends to be associated with the flight or fight response. So that’s definitely one that we want to keep low.

A number of examples of these “power poses” are shown below. Notice how the body is spread out, taking up more space, expanded:

Confidence Boost

Imagine what would happen if you did a power pose as a practice several times a day?

Even if you don’t need a confidence boost right now, I suggest you give these a try and make it part of your daily routine. It’s also useful when you’re going into a meeting, a networking event, or hitting the stage to speak.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes-comment below and share with your colleagues. Here’s to more confidence!