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Align Your Big V Voice with Your Little v Voice to Amplify Your Message with Tina Dietz [Podcast]

Tune in to episode 111 of The Creative Impostor podcast, hosted by Andrea Klunder. We will show you how to amplify your message(Podcast on The Creative Impostor, August 9, 2020)

Episode 111. “In this phase of growth, it feels weird. It feels nebulous. It feels like this molting bird… Sometimes it takes as long as it takes, you know, it's not the enlightenment Olympics.” ~Tina Dietz

This episode is for the birds. Or rather, about birds. More accurately, how much creative humans have in common with molting parrots.

Hang with me; this episode isn't wall-to-wall ornithology talk. I recorded my conversation with Vocal Leadership Expert and Podcast Host Tina Dietz way back in the before-times. Still, her message about self-acceptance and faith in our creative evolution rings doubly true at a time when putting our trust in anything is a struggle.

She just happens to equate this transition with shedding feathers. 

As founder and CEO of Twin Flames Studios, Tina molds (not molts) experts into influencers, teaching clients how to amplify their message. Whether it's through their own podcasts, as guests of other shows, or as in-demand speakers, Tina's vocal leadership expertise goes beyond the simple correction of speech mechanics.

Transitions rarely come without challenges. There's the macro level, global shifts taking place right now, and then there are the awkward personal doubts and missteps. 

You're not wrong for feeling vulnerable. Massive life changes force us to question our personal and professional identities. 

Happy molting!

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amplify your message, audiobook, book marketing, business development, podcast, vocal leadership