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3 Ways Entrepreneurs Kill Their Productivity

How much time do you spend collecting information, certifications, and more training? Yep, these are some of the ways entrepreneurs kill their productivity.

ways entrepreneurs kill their productivity - Tina Dietz

There has rarely been a better time in history to start a business. In 2013, more than 135,000 jobs were added to the US market and guess where nearly half those jobs came from? SMALL businesses. To really make it as an entrepreneur you need tremendous tenacity, top notch networking skills, and a no-fear approach to sales—even in the most heart-centered of business ventures. But if you’re reading this, I’m probably not telling you anything new yet, and what you want is to break through to the next level of time and money freedom in your business.

Every industry I’ve worked with-and there have been more than 20+ industries internationally-has its own unique quirks and challenges. However, some very common trends arise when it comes to how you’re likely to sabotage yourself regarding time and your productivity.

Productivity Killer #1: The “Perpetual Expert”

Collecting information is only useful if it is immediately practical. If you have a client who has a question, look it up. Google is your friend, and problem solving when there’s actually no problem is a drain of time, energy, and resources. The brain only retains about 10% of the information that it is exposed to, so chances are you’re going to have to look it up again anyway if you need it at all. Your time is better spent finding out what your ideal clients need, and focusing on filling those needs in a targeted and concise manner.

Productivity Killer #2: Having an Open Schedule

There’s a difference between being available and being a 24/7 hotline. Have a policy that you will always return communications within a certain amount of time (say 12, 24, or 48 hours) and honor that policy. This gives you room to breathe, builds trust with your clients, and also sets clear expectations. People value a service more when they know they have to plan for it, and most “emergencies” resolve themselves or quickly become non-emergencies if you don’t feed the energy of a knee-jerk reaction. Limit checking your email and voice mail to 2-3 times a day for a half hour at a time. Unless it’s someone you’re waiting to hear from, don’t pick up your phone when it rings. These practices will have you focus on your most important tasks and keep your responses to the point.

Productivity Killer #3: Being Too Friendly

This goes for both colleagues and clients. Obviously you don’t want to be a jerk, but it’s completely doable to be kind even when you’re setting a boundary or saying no. Gossip, social media, and instant messaging, and other kinds of chitchat can wipe out hours of your day, leaving you frustrated and scrambling to get your priorities handled. The same goes for meetings. Start by wearing a phone headset (in the case of an office setting) or putting a “please do not disturb” sign on your office door if you have one (even at home) to reduce distractions and interruptions. Minimize your time in live or phone meetings by partnering up with a colleague and trading off going to meetings and taking notes for each other. As for clients, steer clear of personal entanglements. If you’re with a client who is on a roll with a personal story, reach over and give a gentle, compassionate squeeze to their shoulder or hand and say, “you’re really going through some difficulty right now, so why don’t we take a step back and see where I can best help you.” You can then redirect the conversation to a more solution-focused place. Don’t be afraid to interrupt them, they will thank you for it later.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the comments if you have any of these “killers.”

Tina Dietz – Unleash the Voice of Your Message! [Podcast]

​Tina Dietz is coming to unleash the voice of your business!(Podcast on Talking with Giants, March 1, 2017)

Voice of Your Message - Tina Dietz & Scott Schilling

Tina Dietz is coming to unleash the voice of your business!

Internationally acclaimed business coach, world class audio-book publisher and launch specialist, popular podcast host, and bestselling author Tina Dietz brings passionate vision, perspective and attention to detail for her clients. Tina’s company, StartSomething Creative Business Solutions, helps clients who want more than just a business, they want a ‘Business Oasis!’

Ready to unleash the voice of your message?

10X Your Book Sales With Audiobooks, Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​A lot of people write books but they fall short of using a huge distribution channel: audiobooks. Learn to 10X your book sales with audiobooks. Tina Dietz shares the strategy.(Podcast on The Brand Journalism Advantages, February 20, 2017)

Book Sales With Audiobooks - Tina Dietz & Phoebe Chongchua

Get Tina’s checklist for producing your audiobook and demystifying the process, click here.

When Tina Dietz was two-years-old, someone handed her a tape recorder – and that was that! A lifelong love affair was born. Today, she is an internationally acclaimed business coach, audiobook publisher and launch specialist, podcast producer, and a bestselling author who has been featured on ABC,, Huffington Post and Forbes.

Her podcast, The Start Something Show, was named one of the top podcasts for entrepreneurs on and her company, StartSomething Business Solutions, helps clients who want more than just a business and more than a routine life–they want a “Business Oasis.”

As part of her own business oasis, she herself splits her time between the US, Canada and Costa Rica. Tina Dietz, welcome to the show!


When I go to conferences I like to organize what I call “transformational karaoke” outings ????

Think Like A Journalist Quote

“When you read a book, the story definitely happens inside your head. When you listen, it seems to happen in a little cloud all around it, like a fuzzy knit cap pulled down over your eyes.”

―Robin Sloan, Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore

Success Quote or Tip

FOMO…fear of missing out.

Career Highlight

Tina grew up in a small town where her parents sold fireplaces. Their home was upstairs and the business downstairs. When she grew up, find out why Tina was unemployable and how that actually benefitted her and the world.

When It Didn’t Work

Hear what happened to Tina when she first started her business with partners. Find out what this difficult lesson taught her.

Top Tips 10X Your Book Sales With Audiobooks

  1. Bestsellers are created every day.
  2. Publishers don’t always act in the best interest of authors.
  3. 1.5 million audiobooks were downloaded more than ebooks in 2015.
  4. The cost of production of an audiobook has dropped 50 percent in the last seven years.
  5. Don’t narrate your own audiobook. It’s not the best use of your time.
  6. Leverage the power of your book by distributing it in the audiobook world.
  7. Audiobook listeners listen to, on average, 20 books a year. The average book reader reads 12 books per year.
  8. Self-produce your audiobook by using audiobooks exchange.

Did you know that 1.5 million MORE audiobooks were downloaded than ebooks in 2015? Audiobook publishing is growing at a rate 3 times faster than any other format. Walk down any street and you’ll see people soaking in information through their phones–will your book be available to the millions of listeners looking for content?

-Discover how to get your audiobooks produced for 50% less than what it costs the big publishers

What is one piece of technology, video or multimedia equipment, or app that you just can’t live without?

High-quality mic. Blue Yeti and Audiotechnica 2100.

One book, documentary, blog, podcast, or Internet Channel to watch?

Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert (Get a free audio book when you try Audible free for 30 days)

OR to get a physical copy of the book…click the book title.


StartSomething Creative Business Solutions


Mentioned In This Episode

TBJA 266 Three Steps To Start A Movement, Joseph Ranseth

Thanks For Listening

Wondering how you can leverage your books and work?

2 Minute Confidence Boost

We all possess the innate ability to boost our confidence levels in literally two minutes with this simple Confidence Boost.

Confidence Boost

Whether you’re starting a business, a movement, or just changing habits in your life it takes time, energy, persistence, tenacity, and confidence.

Lots and lots of confidence. But we don’t always have that level of confidence. Fortunately we all possess the innate ability to change our confidence level quite literally in two minutes.

Getting out there and starting something in the world really takes something. We have bad days, we’ve had bad experiences that we don’t want to repeat, other people’s negative messages get stuck in our heads….Yuck.

Out in the wild, animals express their dominance (an expression of confidence) by taking up more space. Appearing to be bigger than they actually are, pacing back-and-forth, puffing themselves up, and other displays. At our core, we are no different. Confident people often seem to take up more space in a room. They spread themselves out, use large hand gestures, and when they speak they often will move around quite a bit. Think about how a confident motivational speaker uses a stage-rarely that really ever stand in just one place, they use the entire stage.

On the other hand, when an animal or a human is feeling frightened or has a lack of confidence, they tend to make themselves small. Curling up in a ball, crossing your arms across your midsection, tucking your chin to your chest are some examples.

So we all know that body language affects the way that other people perceive us. But did you know that your body language also affects how YOU see you? And I’m not talking about looking in a mirror.

Researchers at Harvard have found that by adopting anyone of a number of “power poses” for 2 minutes, we can boost our confidence. These poses raise your level of testosterone (even in women) and lower your level of cortisol. No, you’re not going to get a burst of testosterone that’s going to make you more aggressive,but testosterone increase in both genders is associated with feelings of confidence, control, and well-being. Cortisol, on the other hand, is a stress hormone. It tends to be associated with the flight or fight response. So that’s definitely one that we want to keep low.

A number of examples of these “power poses” are shown below. Notice how the body is spread out, taking up more space, expanded:

Confidence Boost

Imagine what would happen if you did a power pose as a practice several times a day?

Even if you don’t need a confidence boost right now, I suggest you give these a try and make it part of your daily routine. It’s also useful when you’re going into a meeting, a networking event, or hitting the stage to speak.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes-comment below and share with your colleagues. Here’s to more confidence!

Unleash Your Business With Audio Marketing, With Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​Audio marketing is fast becoming a popular way to position yourself as an expert in your industry.(Podcast on The Business Creators Radio Show, February 7, 2017)

Audio Marketing - Tina Dietz & Adam Hommey

There are hundreds of podcasts, webinars, radio shows, etc. on the internet today. How do you make sure yours is viewed and heard above the others?

Joining Adam is audio marketing expert, Tina Dietz.

Tina is going to teach you all the tricks to creating audio marketing that will let your voice be heard above the sea of noise.

About This Guest: (View Guest's Profile And Appearances)

When she was 2 years old, someone handed Tina Dietz a tape recorder – and that was that! A lifelong love affair was born. Today, Tina is an internationally acclaimed business coach, audiobook publisher and launch specialist, podcast producer, and a bestselling author who has been featured on ABC,, Huffington Post and Forbes. Her company, StartSomething Business Solutions, helps clients who want more than just a business and more than a routine life – they want a “Business Oasis,” and she herself splits her time between the US and Costa Rica. Tina Dietz, welcome to the show!

Interested in learning more about audio marketing?

Tina Dietz – The Author’s Secret Weapon to 10X Book Sales [Podcast]

​Denise Griffitts interviews Tina Dietz about publishing your audio book quickly and easily.(Podcast on Your Partner In Success Radio With Host Denise Griffitts, December 9, 2016)

Book Sales - Tina Dietz & Denise Griffitts

When she was 2 years old, someone handed Tina Dietz a tape recorder – and that was that! A lifelong love affair was born. Today, she is an internationally acclaimed business coach, audiobook publisher and launch specialist, podcast producer, and a bestselling author who has been featured on ABC,, Huffington Post and Forbes. Her podcast, The Start Something Show, was named one of the top podcasts for entrepreneurs on and her company, StartSomething Business Solutions, helps clients who want more than just a business and more than a routine life – they want a “Business Oasis.”

Did you know that 1.5 million MORE audiobooks were downloaded than ebooks in 2015, and in 2016 sales are up 34% over 2015 numbers?

Tina is going to share these nuggets:

  • Why you don't have to narrate your own book to get the best results.
  • How authors can protect themselves from royalty scammers and the hidden pitfalls that scare away readers.
  • How you can get your audiobooks produced for 50% less than what it costs the big publishers.
  • Audiobooks can make you money even when your book is free!

As part of her own business oasis, she herself splits her time between the US, Canada and Costa Rica. You can find her online here:

Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

Interested to learn about the author’s secret weapon to 10X book sales?

Audio Narration: It’s Not As Easy As It Looks Or Is It? You Decide… [Podcast]

​There are a lot of tricks to narrating your book and putting it out to a wider audience – punch recording, mic technique, breath technique to name a few – and the generally accepted equation is five hours of recording will give you one hour of finished recording.(Podcast on Writer On The Road, November 9, 2016)

Audio Narration Thought Leader - Tina Dietz & Melinda Hammond

Breathing is about getting in touch with your torso; then there’s tone, tempo, flow and sonority. Still with me? Because I haven’t even mentioned audio quality. Narrating a novel requires a level of focus that some of us may just not be able to summon and by the end of my chat with professional narrator, Tina Dietz, I was starting to create a strategy to choose and hire a professional. Did I mention that Tina’s a professional? Book narration is a performance and our books deserve to be treated well. You can find out more here and don’t forget to download your free checklist. I’m going to…

My team and I can help you figure out the best solution to narrate your book

Entrepreneur, Thought Leader, Influencer [Podcast]

​There’s something to be said for studying the habits and processes of great writers and artists and how they kept their creative juices flowing over time.(Podcast on Writer On The Road, November 6, 2016)

Audio Narration Thought Leader - Tina Dietz & Melinda Hammond

There’s a lot of burnout happening in the field of writing right now, especially among Indie authors trying to manage both their writing and their business. Tina is a mentor and coach, and she’s my kind of crazy. With a focus on values as well as mental, emotional and spiritual well being, Tina guides us to be the best we can be. She’s also damned funny at times. We chat about being in the writing game for the long haul and how it’s got to be about pacing ourselves as our energies change as we grow and mature as writers. Self-care is at the top of the list, being flexible with our schedules and putting thought into those high priority creative endeavours to actually get the work done. We chat about how 80% of our results come from 20% of our efforts – it’s Tina’s job to help us focus on the 20% – and how the transitions in our lives open us up to new potentialities. And we just wouldn’t be creatives if we didn’t delve, just a little, in the fear factor that has derailed every one of us at some time or another. You can find out more about Tina and her work here.

Reinventing Audio Marketing [Podcast]

​At only 2 years old, Tina Dietz was already interviewing people on her tape recorder. She STILL has that tape and has never put the microphone down.(Podcast on Reinvention Radio, September 22, 2016)

audio marketing - Tina Dietz & Reinvention Radio

At only 2 years old, Tina Dietz was already interviewing people on her tape recorder. She STILL has that tape and has never put the microphone down. Born to entrepreneurial parents, she started answering their business phones at 4 and was going to trade shows by 6.Now she is an internationally acclaimed business coach, speaker, dedicated audiobook publisher and podcasting mentor.

As a therapist (with an MS in Counseling and Educational Development), early in her career while working in the public school system that dealing with bureaucracy was not her thing. She has a “students-come-first” approach, which grew into something new as she worked with a grassroots group and developed two teen leadership centers. She showed kids how to make ideas a reality. Many of those seeds that were planted still live in her programs and her approach to coaching to this day. She developed transitional training programs for colleges and some of the nation’s largest utility providers, as well as serving as the co-founder and Director of Business Development for the Nayada Institute of Massage.

Tina is also a bestselling author and has been featured on Million Dollar Mindset, ReLaunch, ABC, Massage Today, Money for Lunch and Tropical Entrepreneur, to name a few. She has worked with and provided small business help in more than 20+ industries and 6 countries (and counting) around the world, watching them grow and transform.

TUNE IN to this episode to hear Tina chat with Steve and Mary about audio marketing and how to take advantage of the booming audiobook trend.

In This Episode

  • Spanish & Italian; The Audio Extravaganza; They Put A Mic In Her Hands At 2 Years Old; 1.5 Million More AudioBooks Than Ebooks Consumed In 2015
  • 3 Ways To Create An Audiobook; No Book, No Audiobook; Time & Costs Of Producing An Audiobook; Steve’s New Book
  • Skype – Pants Optional; Best Call To Action For An Audiobook; Wade’s Mic Drop; Podcasting Isn’t Being Throttled The Way Other Media Are


“Smartphones are the radio of today.”

Resources Mentioned

Do You Sound Like A Leader?

You might be hurting your credibility as a leader every time you open your mouth, and it’s not what you’re saying. It’s your voice.

Originally published on ForbesLike A Leader

A study in affiliation with Duke University analyzed 792 male CEO voices and found that a deeper voice was advantageous in positions of leadership. Results indicated that CEOs with lower voices had longer tenure, led larger companies, and made more money — to the tune of $180K+ per year.

This research poses a bit of a conundrum. What if you don’t have a low voice? Does that mean you’re doomed not to rise in the ranks of leadership? Fortunately, there are a number of other factors in the vocal realm that contribute to your credibility as a leader, and these factors are far more controllable than how deep your voice is.

Another study conducted at Gonzaga University revealed that a variety of vocal factors influence whether a speaker is perceived as trustworthy — and therefore credible. Regardless of the pitch and tone of your natural voice, these important factors can be controlled and practiced:

Articulation (clear pronunciation of words). An articulated vocal performance reflects a thoughtful representation of the speaker’s inner conviction, and thus leads to the perception of a more educated and credible speaker. Articulation can be improved by repeating difficult words until one can say them correctly; slowing down your speech can also make articulation easier. Beware, however — over-articulation can produce a less than normal speaking tone and therefore reduce credibility.

Fluidity (flow of your message). The more fluidity with which one speaks — that is, the more you don’t have to reach for your words — the more expert and confident you are perceived, engendering trust. This takes us back to the dreaded “ums” and “ahs” we work to eliminate in public speaking scenarios, podcasting and audiobooks. Rather than filling the air in a conversation or meeting with such “thinking noises” or hedges (“sort of” or “kind of”), be intentional and transparent regarding your thinking process. If posed a question, pause and make eye contact with your listeners and take a moment to answer their question with, “let me think about that for a moment.” Doing so indicates that you’re taking their question seriously and giving it your full attention.

Tempo (speed at which you speak). This vocal cue is closely tied to gaining and maintaining the attention of the listener. No one likes to hear a boring, slow delivery; monotone presentations tend to put people to sleep or move them to distraction. Keep energy and interest alive in your voice when speaking and your listeners will remain more engaged.

On the other hand, speakers who speak too fast can end up slurring their words, affecting the articulation and clarity of their message. A speaker’s “normal” rate of delivery has been found to rank the highest in perception of credibility. In other words, it’s important to “be yourself” when communicating. Note that both tempo and fluidity can be improved by bringing increased attention to your breath. Make sure that you’re actually breathing as you speak, and not inadvertently holding your breath.

Sonority (pleasantness of one’s voice). Several factors can contribute to sonority, but one controllable, contemporary factor is known as “vocal fry” and refers to the low, vibratory sound occurring particularly in women at the end of spoken sentences. A study published in 2010 analyzed 800 male and female participants who spoke with vocal fry, or “creaky voice,” and found them to be less desirable job candidates compared with those speaking in a normal tone. Take note and eliminate this vocal trend before it spreads any further. Please.

Another common vocal pattern that deeply impacts credibility but is one of the simplest to identify and address is “uptalking” the end of sentences. Uptalk sounds like you’re making everything a question? As if you’re not sure what you’re saying? And that makes what you say hard to trust? Focus on making your statements more declarative.

Do all of these factors leave you feeling overwhelmed about perfecting your vocal delivery? Don’t sweat it if you can’t change them all — not everyone was born with a deep or pleasant voice. Of all of the aforementioned influencing factors, articulation was found to be the most important — so if you have a big impending speech, start by practicing using clear and careful pronunciation. Through external feedback, objective coaching, and diligent practice, you can become a better communicator and perhaps even a bigger earner.