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How to Expand Your Audience, Influence and Income with Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​Podcast interview from The Entrepreneur Way where we talked about how you can expand your audience, influence and increase your income(Podcast on The Entrepreneur Way, Mar 28, 2018)

Expand Your Audience - Tina Dietz & The Entrepreneur Way

Tina Dietz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, podcast producer, audiobook publisher, and creative business expert who has been featured on ABC,, Huffington Post and Forbes. Her podcast, The StartSomething Show, was named by Inc magazine as one of the top 35 podcasts for entrepreneurs, and her company, StartSomething Creative Business Solutions, connects experts, authors, and entrepreneurs all around the world with their ideal audiences through podcasting, audiobooks, and thought leadership marketing. Tina splits her time between the US and Costa Rica where she’s part of a team building a community of entrepreneurs and conscious leaders.

Entrepreneurial Role Models: 


When business started difficulties overcame: 

“Surrendering to the fact that I was an entrepreneur. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the godfather movies but it was in the godfather 3, the least interesting of all the movies, Al Pacino has this moment where he goes they keep bringing me back, and that is what it felt like to me becoming an entrepreneur, I really resisted it for a long time” …[Listen for More] 

Favourite Books: 

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Book by Elizabeth Gilbert

Favourite Quote: 

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” 

Recommended Online Resources:

  • Webinar Ninja – Run better webinars with no worries with the best webinar software ever Create a live evergreen webinars in 10 seconds Get started for free today!
  • Title Generator – create 700 headlines with ONE CLICK, Content Ideas, Catchy Headlines, Ad Campaign E mail Subject Lines, Emotional Titles, Simple, Efficient, One Click
  • Words to Time Calculator – Use Edge Studio’s words to time calculator as a script timer to give accurate estimates and invoices of your voice over scripts to your customers

Best Advice to Other Entrepreneurs: 

“Engage your curiosity. Curiosity will get you through a lot. We get so fixed sometimes on how something looks or how something should be or we worry about if something is going to turn out a certain way, what other people are going to think about us it goes on and on and on. Whatever circumstance that you’re in if you can shift from whatever state of being you’re in that has you feeling diminished or concerned or angry or upset or any of those states of being, if you can shift yourself into curiosity then that is a bridge to be much more positive and making decisions from a place that’s not based in fear or anger”…[Listen for More] 

More About Tina Dietz: 

StartSomething Creative Business Solutions

Neil’s Quote at the Beginning: 

“Adult life is dealing with an enormous amount of questions that don’t have answers. So I let the mystery settle into my music. I don’t deny anything, I don’t advocate anything, I just live with it.” Bruce Springsteen 

Other Quotes From the Chat with Tina Dietz: 

  • “I don’t know if there are secrets, there’s just stuff you haven’t learned yet”
  • “Setting ideas aside, I don’t have to act on all the ideas”
  • “It’s a little bit like the matrix, are you going to take the blue pill or the red pill because if you take that blue pill you’re going to go down a road that you’re going to follow for some time”

Did you like what you heard? 

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Learn how how you can expand your audience, influence andincrease your income

How Pissed Off Do You Need To Be To Change?

The key to tapping into anger as a tool is to allow ourselves to go underneath the anger into the underlying commitment behind the anger. Are you pissed off enough to change?

To Change - Tina Dietz

Why did you set the goals for yourself that you’ve set? Why start the business, the book, the project?

I was at a mastermind event with a group of business leaders in Austin, TX led by the incredible Candy Barone and when this subject came up, and the answer was surprisingly consistent among the people in the room.

We had gotten pissed off. Angry. Even righteous….and decided to do something about it.

In the worlds of leadership, personal development, and transformation we often shy away from using or acknowledging anger as a motivating force, but it can be a tremendous source of energy and forward momentum.

The key to tapping into anger as a tool is to allow ourselves to go underneath the anger into the underlying commitment behind the anger.

What we get most fired up about are usually those areas that hold the most meaning for us. Things that aren’t meaningful to us tend to fade in and out of our awareness without leaving a lasting impression.

There’s a deep commitment that you have to something underneath the emotional fire, something that calls you to react strongly and feel motivated to respond and take action. Now imagine using that automatic motivation, that intense rush of energy, and putting it to use towards effective action that is in alignment with your commitment, your values, your passion.

For your brain and business ‘food’ this week and viewing pleasure, here’s what we’re discussing:

  • Tapping into what gets you angry as a tool to create more clarity
  • Aligning your goals with your values
  • Red flags to pay attention to when it comes to anger
  • Using your anger as a directional needle to get more focused
  • How to direct your anger and upset into productive, clear action.

What do you get fired up about and what’s your underlying commitment that triggers that response? Let’s get the conversation going and unleash your voice – the world needs you!

Ready to turn that anger into a productive business?

Is This Mistake Sabotaging Your Leadership?

Heather Parbst, business development and team building maven, agreed to share her expertise and thoughts on the topic of leadership sabotage, particularly for women leaders but these issues can extend across age, gender, etc. SOAK THIS IN.

women leaders - Tina Dietz & Heather Parbst

What do you think of this statement?

I, too, am a “doer.” I’ve always taken pride in this title. People know they can count on me, that I will be responsible and produce a good product. Throughout my career, this was my modus operandi. I worked hard, doing more than my fair share and assuming the responsibilities of others when they were quite capable of doing it themselves. Then, I would feel resentful when others didn’t acknowledge my efforts or step in to take some of the work off my plate.


When I read these words from business development and team building maven Heather Parbst, I felt as though I had written them myself. Can you relate?

So today, Heather agreed to share her expertise and thoughts on the topic of leadership sabotage, particularly for women leaders but these issues can extend across age, gender, etc. SOAK THIS IN.

Work hard and reap the benefits. That’s what you’ve done so far in your career and it has worked to propel you forward. You are known as a “doer.” You get it done, whatever “it” is. People describe you as competent and dependable. They know they can count on you. It has been your hard work and sweat that have gotten you to where you are.

Women often think that our sweat alone is the primary driver of our success. People will see our abilities for what they are based on: our work product and the amount of effort we extend. We work hard to prove our competence and to show that we bring value. This works great in school. Work hard, get the good grade. Work hard, get into the good school. Work hard, get the promotion. You see where I am going. It works… until it doesn’t.

Let me explain.

I, too, am a “doer.” I’ve always taken pride in this title. People know they can count on me, that I will be responsible and produce a good product. Throughout my career, this was my modus operandi. I worked hard, doing more than my fair share and assuming the responsibilities of others when they were quite capable of doing it themselves. Then, I would feel resentful when others didn’t acknowledge my efforts or step in to take some of the work off my plate.

Prior to a leadership role, this was a personal aggravation. But, once I was heading up a team, it became a massive bottleneck. Instead of empowering my team, my actions said, “I don’t believe in you to do this work, so I will do it myself” or “You don’t have to do this work. I will take care of it for you.” Meanwhile, my burning the candle at both ends was standing in the way of my business success and causing me to burn out. And it certainly was not scalable.

Gender-Bias Is a Factor

There is a natural tendency for women to “over-row the boat,” as Susan MacKenty Brady, chief strategist with Linkage Inc., likes to say. This is partly due to gender bias. A well-known illustration of gender bias at play is the 2012 study by Yale University where 100 fictional, identical resumes for a lab manager position were sent to 100 faculty members nationwide to assess what their hiring decisions would be based solely on the resumes. The only difference between the resumes was that half bore the name “John” and the other half said “Jennifer.” You probably know the story. John was rated more competent and hirable, and he was given a salary of $4,000 more annually than Jennifer. Despite both candidates having the exact same qualifications, Jennifer was perceived as less deserving of the job. Hopefully you can see how this sets Jennifer up for having to work significantly harder to demonstrate her value.

We Do It to Ourselves Too

But, gender bias is only part of the problem. Our own false beliefs about work, worth and competence also play a role in why we work ourselves ragged. Inside, we may secretly wish that someone else, our spouse, our boss, our coworker, will see how much we are contributing and acknowledge our efforts. This can be particularly true if we struggle with talking about our ourselves, our own strengths and accomplishments. We may simply be scared to give up control for fear of things not being done to our expectations or standards. Or we believe that by doing it all at or near perfection proves our value and eliminates the chance that others may question whether we are deserving.

What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There

Thinking in this way is a tragedy. Why? Because the “do it all at 110%” approach that got us the job or powered us through starting our business will sabotage us as leaders. Midway through our careers, instead of hitting our stride and putting our accumulated knowledge and skills to work, we feel exhausted and just want a break. When we are best poised to use our talents to lead others forward to greatness, we are longing instead for a long rest.

Stop Hyper-Performing and Start Delegating

Hyper-performing will certainly help us to a point, but our personal energy isn’t scalable and, frankly, over-performing is exhausting! At a certain point, if we want to continue to increase our impact, we must change our approach. The shift here is to learn how to leverage the talents and gifts of those around us. Instead of drawing on our ability to power through and do it all, we need to draw on our other skills, like collaboration and communication. 

We need to level up our mindset, rising above thoughts like, “I want to advance my career, take on this role, grow this business by doing X, but I just don’t know how I’ll get it all done.” We must understand that the work is not all for us to do. We enlist others. We empower others to do their jobs and to build their skills along the way. We ask others to help. Our new way of thinking sounds like, “I want to accomplish X. How can I inspire others to help me and how do I leverage their talents to get it done?”

It’s Not All About You

Sometimes the most difficult hurdle to this mental shift is getting past the belief that our delegation is self-serving. You protecting your own sanity is good for everybody! By easing your burdens so that you can focus on your true priorities in a way that best utilizes your skills and prevents burnout, you are driving your entire team forward and setting an excellent example of quality leadership. You are also creating opportunities for your team to expound on their skills. Remember that when you choose to do it all, you are limiting their success (let that last one soak in for a minute).

So, whether you are dealing with “Team Work” or “Team Family,” the answer to getting it all done and increasing your impact is the same—stop doing it all yourself.

Recruit assistance, delegate and scale!

Heather Parbst is the founder of Clarity3 Consulting, a firm focused on helping entrepreneurs grow strong, healthy businesses. She founded Clarity3 after selling her own IT company and wanting to help others achieve entrepreneurial success. Having a background in behavioral science and experience as a CEO and business owner, Heather brings a unique perspective to the world of entrepreneurship and leadership. She particularly enjoys working with women to grow as leaders and scale their businesses.

Heather Parbst – Business development & team building maven

Ready to step into a new level of leadership and break through old, self-sabotaging habits and beliefs?

Is Resistance Keeping You From What You Want?

Your resistance may be keeping you from what you want and not allowing you to get stuff done. And this is the type of resistance I'm talking about here: The most common type of resistance I see in creative people.

What You Want - Tina Dietz


No. Nope. Definitely Not. That’s the last thing we need.

Resistance keeps us from having what we want and getting stuff done.

How many times have you had a phenomenal idea but not acted on it, and then you see someone else making it happen?

Do you know how long it took me to break through my resistance to offer the audiobook production and publishing services in my business that I’m now known for?


The type of resistance I encountered and ultimately (thank goodness!) overcame is a very common type of resistance I see in creative people.

In essence, this type of resistance is the result of a fear/concern that the vision we have for our idea might not match the reality. The fear of things not working out is crushing to the point where we’d rather have the fantasy than risk the reality of possible disappointment.

There are two other types of resistance that are unfortunately common but fortunately very ‘treatable’ once you know what you’re dealing with.

Resistance Type 2 is when you’re up against the need to learn something new, and you know it would probably be good for you and benefit you, but you just can’t generate any energy around learning this new skill or doing what needs to be done.

Often this is a situation of “I CAN learn this, but I hate it.” Or, “Yeah, I can do this but it takes me forever/I don’t like it/there’s so many other things I could be doing.”

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is also the source of this type of resistance. It’s so easy to get pulled off track by wanting to jump on a trend or new bit of technology.

Alleviating this type of resistance is best served by bringing in more teamwork – either with your colleagues or by hiring someone – or by getting creative and finding a solution that’s better suited to your strengths and priorities. 

And then there's Resistance Type 3...I start discussing the finer points of this resistance at 4:03 into the video, and really you want to listen to this part there if you haven’t listened to the entire 6 minutes already.

Either you’ll laugh or you’ll want to slap me. Possibly both. Let me know.

This week, observe where you’re experiencing some resistance and see where you can find more creative solutions, bring in more teamwork, and/or get out of your own way. What type of resistance are you dealing with?

Ready to break through your resistance and get results?

5 Strategies to Master Profitable Business Relationships

Because relationships are the heart and soul of business, I've gleaned five powerful strategies to master Profitable Business Relationships.

Profitable Business Relationships

I think one of the best compliments I ever received was, “Geez, you’re like Tim Ferriss and my Italian Grandmother had a love child!” You’re welcome for the mental image, by the way. In this case, the “Italian Grandmother” part of the equation refers to my unabashed enthusiasm for bringing people together and extolling their many talents and virtues to each other. I adore connecting wonderful people to each other and watching the collaborations, opportunities, and new ideas that happen as a result of those connections blossom.

Relationships are the heart and soul of business, that pumping lifeblood that keeps us all growing. So in concert with my character, and my commitment to bring together amazing people and resources, I’ve gleaned five powerful strategies for you to use-regardless of the type of business you’re in-from brilliant entrepreneurs I admire along with one of my very own habits for spinning relationship gold.

1. Spin a Web of Warm Introductions

Authors interested in having their books turned into audiobooks often send me copies of their work for review. Regardless if we work together, I make a point of introducing them to someone in my network who would be a wonderful connection for them, and vice versa. Not only does this delight everyone involved, it keeps my services as an audiobook and podcast producer top of mind.

How do you easily create a “warm email introduction” effectively? One quick and easy method is to go to your colleague’s LinkedIn or “About” page and use the first couple of sentences as your email copy. Here’s an example of a warm introduction email I just recently sent to give you an idea, along with an example of the copy that I give my referral partners so they can easily introduce me to the people in their circles as well.

2. Make Sure Everyone Wins

As the host of an annual virtual summit, Bailey Richert suggests building business relationships is about creating projects and partnerships where everyone involved wins. “No one wants to feel like they’re being invited to the party purely for what assets they can bring to the table. They also want to walk away having benefited in a concrete way,” she says.

Bailey states one of her biggest relationship-building tips when working on her summit is to email every speaker individually. Mass emails, while faster, do not make your partners feel valued. Instead, they can work against you, making partners feel like they’re being leveraged. Instead, personalized emails let partners know you are concerned with their success and overall satisfaction with the project being conducted.

3. Take Time to Authentically Spread the Love

Intuitive business coach, Rebecca Liston suggests that using social media isn’t about lead generation but about deepening the relationships with people we already know. “Mastering business relationships is all supporting one another to shine because we simply want the best for one another.”

Rebecca says that you can easily do this by commenting on the posts of people you know and sharing their information freely and genuinely. I do this because I want to, because I care about them, and because I want them to shine. Each week I “Spread the Love” about a colleague that I adore, and respect. I write a personal note about who they are to me, and why I think the world of them, and why I think that the world ought to know them

4. Show Up (for Real)

“One of the biggest things I’ve learned this year is to show up,” says Stella Orange, a marketing teacher. Orange draws inspiration from her days as a playwright, who regularly attended friends’ performances and openings. “Nothing says ‘I care about you’ like showing up for an event,” she says. If you can’t get there in person, she says send a card or flowers.

One of Orange’s best tips is to nurture personal relationships over time. Check in with colleagues and promotional partners periodically, to stay current and connected. Keep track of what you talked about, and carve out time each week to cultivate relationships colleague relationships. Those conversations build rapport and trust over time, and lead to the most fruitful, organic and rich collaborations.

5. Reach Out With Genuine Interest

“Not dropping the ball on follow up has been huge,” says Sarah Dew, a marketing strategist. It’s easy to have an initial conversation with a potential partner but to in order to grow and nurture that relationship you have to have authentic connections through out the year. 

Sarah’s best tip is to make sure you check in with your colleagues and partners frequently and regularly. Always approach every interaction thinking, what can I do for them? Is there some way I can make their lives easier or brighten their day? Consistently following up and staying connected will quickly turn your partners and colleagues into close friends, who will have your back when you need it. 

What are some of your favorite ways to build business relationships?

Tina Dietz – Audiobook Publisher and Champion of Small Business [Podcast]

​LTVO talks to Tina Dietz, Audiobook Publisher, about her role, what she sees happening in the audiobook business, how she educates her authors about audiobooks, and tips for VO talent who may want to work with her.(Podcast on Love That Voice Over, April 14, 2017)

Audiobook Publisher - Tina Dietz & Love That Voice Over

LTVO Guest Tina Dietz has a long history with the microphone. When she was 2 years old, someone handed Tina Dietz a tape recorder – and that was that! Today, Tina is an internationally acclaimed audiobook publisher, podcast producer, and Creative Business Expert who has been featured on ABC,, Huffington Post and Forbes. Her company, StartSomething Business Solutions, helps clients who want more than just a business and more than a routine life – they want a “Business Oasis,” and Tina herself splits her time between the US and Costa Rica.

Get on Tina’s VO roster here VO Roster

How do people find out about Tina on the web? and http://www.startsomethingcreativebizsolutions.comLoveThatRebecca, aka Rebecca Haugh, is host and producer of LoveThatVoiceOver. Connect on Twitter @LoveThatVO and on FaceBook page Love That Voiceover. Rebecca also founded and runs LoveThatImprovVO.

First pass Editing of this interview courtesy of VO Edit by Design. Contact Chris Thomas at for more information.

Wondering how you can create and publish your audiobooks?

125 Tina Dietz | The Magic and Intimacy of Podcasting and Overcoming Your Fears To Find Success [Podcast]

​Since practically the age of two, Tina Dietz has always felt comfortable with a microphone in her hands and that easiness and her background as a therapist has since led her to become a very regarded interviewer, coach, consultant, and podcaster.(Podcast on Podcast Junkies, April, 2017)


She is the founder of Start Something Creative Business Solutions where she helps people launch businesses, podcasts and audio books. We cover a lot of great topics that is sure to enlighten even the most seasoned podcasters and entrepreneurs.

What We Covered:

  • 05:33 – Why she loves going to podcasting conferences
  • 06:04 – The Messengers – A Podcast Documentary and how she is involved
  • 10:51 – Podcasts and podcasting as a means of therapy
  • 12:51 – What the impetus for starting her podcast was
  • 16:01 – Her early childhood recordings
  • 16:32 – What she did the first time someone handed her a microphone
  • 17:41 – How she became so comfortable behind a microphone
  • 18:15 – Performance Anxiety
  • 19:35 – How to use your complaints and upsets to quickly and creatively solve issues
  • 25:57 – Who she was grateful for and surprised to have on her podcast
  • 29:20 – The price one pays for being famous
  • 29:54 – Realizing there is an audience who wants to hear great conversations
  • 32:11 – How she helps her clients face their fears of starting a new business venture
  • 36:42 – Best practices you can implement to find success
  • 38:05 – Business plans
  • 39:38 – The Nayada Institute of Massage and a new massage modality
  • 42:22 – What she’s changed her mind about recently
  • 44:39 – The one most misunderstood thing about her
  • 45:18 – The books she’s reading/listening to now
  • 46:26 – Her vision of 10,000 thriving businesses
Click to tune in to the podcast “The Magic and Intimacy of Podcasting and Overcoming Your Fears To Find Success.”

Links Mentioned

Start Something and Finish w/ Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​​I was a guest at the Moms With Dreams Show, hosted by Erica Blocker where we talked about how you can Start Something and finish it. Tune in(Podcast on Moms With Dreams, March 28, 2017)

Start Something - Tina Dietz & Erica Blocker

This week on the podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tina Dietz, owner of Start Something Business Solutions. Tina and I met last September when she was speaking at Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference here in New Jersey. I knew from the moment that Tina shared her story that I wanted to invite her to be a guest on my podcast. I just knew that her story would inspire and excite YOU to start something brilliant.

Tina Dietz is an internationally acclaimed business coach, audiobook publisher and launch specialist, podcast producer and a bestselling author who has been featured on ABC,, Huffington Post and Forbes.

Her podcast, The Start Something Show, was named one of the top podcasts for entrepreneurs on Her company helps clients who want more than just a business and more than a routine life – they want a Business Oasis. I LOVE that!

One of the things that we jump into during this interview is the idea that so many creatives and entrepreneurs struggle with avoiding shiny bright objects and staying focused. It’s because they have brilliant ideas and love starting new projects but often have a hard time finishing them. (I know this is one of my own personal challenges.) Tina sheds light on this topic and shows you how to redirect your excitement of “starting” so you can finish what you’ve started. It’s powerful!

Tina shares lots of great tips during our time together and suggests that you read the book, Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert.

You can connect with Tina and learn more about her by visiting:Her website:




It’s hard to believe that this is my 87th episode, but it is. And that means that I’m only 13 episodes away from my next big milestone as a podcaster! I’ll share more about what I’m planning as we get closer.

For now, I want you to think about one thing that you learned from my interview with Tina and how you will implement it in your life.

Let me know what you’re going to start. You can leave me a note in the comments or send an email to

I hope this was valuable to you in some way and that you now have a different outlook on your life, your business or both.

I’ll be back next week with more inspiration and education.

Get out there, do what you love and make a difference!



Wondering how you can Start Something and finish it? I can help you – Let's talk

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Kill Their Productivity

How much time do you spend collecting information, certifications, and more training? Yep, these are some of the ways entrepreneurs kill their productivity.

ways entrepreneurs kill their productivity - Tina Dietz

There has rarely been a better time in history to start a business. In 2013, more than 135,000 jobs were added to the US market and guess where nearly half those jobs came from? SMALL businesses. To really make it as an entrepreneur you need tremendous tenacity, top notch networking skills, and a no-fear approach to sales—even in the most heart-centered of business ventures. But if you’re reading this, I’m probably not telling you anything new yet, and what you want is to break through to the next level of time and money freedom in your business.

Every industry I’ve worked with-and there have been more than 20+ industries internationally-has its own unique quirks and challenges. However, some very common trends arise when it comes to how you’re likely to sabotage yourself regarding time and your productivity.

Productivity Killer #1: The “Perpetual Expert”

Collecting information is only useful if it is immediately practical. If you have a client who has a question, look it up. Google is your friend, and problem solving when there’s actually no problem is a drain of time, energy, and resources. The brain only retains about 10% of the information that it is exposed to, so chances are you’re going to have to look it up again anyway if you need it at all. Your time is better spent finding out what your ideal clients need, and focusing on filling those needs in a targeted and concise manner.

Productivity Killer #2: Having an Open Schedule

There’s a difference between being available and being a 24/7 hotline. Have a policy that you will always return communications within a certain amount of time (say 12, 24, or 48 hours) and honor that policy. This gives you room to breathe, builds trust with your clients, and also sets clear expectations. People value a service more when they know they have to plan for it, and most “emergencies” resolve themselves or quickly become non-emergencies if you don’t feed the energy of a knee-jerk reaction. Limit checking your email and voice mail to 2-3 times a day for a half hour at a time. Unless it’s someone you’re waiting to hear from, don’t pick up your phone when it rings. These practices will have you focus on your most important tasks and keep your responses to the point.

Productivity Killer #3: Being Too Friendly

This goes for both colleagues and clients. Obviously you don’t want to be a jerk, but it’s completely doable to be kind even when you’re setting a boundary or saying no. Gossip, social media, and instant messaging, and other kinds of chitchat can wipe out hours of your day, leaving you frustrated and scrambling to get your priorities handled. The same goes for meetings. Start by wearing a phone headset (in the case of an office setting) or putting a “please do not disturb” sign on your office door if you have one (even at home) to reduce distractions and interruptions. Minimize your time in live or phone meetings by partnering up with a colleague and trading off going to meetings and taking notes for each other. As for clients, steer clear of personal entanglements. If you’re with a client who is on a roll with a personal story, reach over and give a gentle, compassionate squeeze to their shoulder or hand and say, “you’re really going through some difficulty right now, so why don’t we take a step back and see where I can best help you.” You can then redirect the conversation to a more solution-focused place. Don’t be afraid to interrupt them, they will thank you for it later.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the comments if you have any of these “killers.”

Tina Dietz – Unleash the Voice of Your Message! [Podcast]

​Tina Dietz is coming to unleash the voice of your business!(Podcast on Talking with Giants, March 1, 2017)

Voice of Your Message - Tina Dietz & Scott Schilling

Tina Dietz is coming to unleash the voice of your business!

Internationally acclaimed business coach, world class audio-book publisher and launch specialist, popular podcast host, and bestselling author Tina Dietz brings passionate vision, perspective and attention to detail for her clients. Tina’s company, StartSomething Creative Business Solutions, helps clients who want more than just a business, they want a ‘Business Oasis!’

Ready to unleash the voice of your message?