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Leading With Influence and Compassion, Not Just Management and Instruction

By Chris O'Byrne, CEO of JetLaunch Publishing

Two men working together at a desk

Leadership is no longer limited to a position or title. It’s a dynamic interaction that relies heavily on influence and compassion and goes beyond mere management and instruction. As industries evolve, the characteristics that make for successful leadership are changing, and the role of a leader is being redefined.

A leader’s influence includes authority over team members and the ability to inspire, motivate and guide them toward common goals. It’s about understanding individual team member’s unique strengths and needs and leveraging them to align with the organization’s vision.

Compassionate leadership adds another layer to this intricate balance. It recognizes the human side of business and knows that empathy, caring, and a genuine interest in the well-being of others can create a more positive and productive work environment. Combining influence and compassion in leadership goes beyond the traditional approach and paves the way for a more human and practical leadership style.

Building Influence in Leadership

Influence in leadership is an important trait that impacts how leaders manage their teams, interact with peers, and contribute to the organization’s success. Knowing how to cultivate and exercise influence is critical for seasoned professionals, especially those on the path from success to prominence.

Understanding influence

Influence isn’t just about wielding power or control; it’s also about knowing how to lead, inspire, and create positive change. It’s about being a role model, shaping opinions, and achieving results that align with the organization’s values and goals.

The importance of influence in leadership

Influence plays a critical role in leadership, helping to align teams around common goals, foster collaboration, build trust, and establish stable professional relationships. Effectively influencing others can make the difference between simple management and authentic leadership.

Methods for building influence

Building influence requires a combination of skills, behaviors, and strategies. These include clear communication, consistent action, integrity, active listening, and empathy. Building influence doesn’t happen overnight; it requires continuous effort, practice, and self-reflection.

Challenges in building influence

Like any complex skill, building influence has its challenges. These include overcoming skepticism, navigating organizational politics, or dealing with conflicting interests. To successfully build influence, it’s important to understand and prepare for these challenges.

Influence and ethical considerations

The use of influence must be based on ethical principles. This includes respecting the autonomy of others, being transparent, acting with integrity, and ensuring that influence is used for positive outcomes that align with company values.

Measure and evaluate influence

Measuring influence can be complex, but looking at results, feedback, team engagement, and alignment with business goals can provide valuable insights. Regular assessments and adjustments help to continually improve and build your influence.

Building influence is an essential component of effective leadership, including understanding, meaning, methods, challenges, ethics, and evaluation. Developing this capability helps leaders inspire teams, drive positive change, overcome challenges, and contribute to the organization’s overall success. This multi-faceted approach requires ongoing effort and commitment but is important for anyone seeking to build their authority and influence.

Compassionate Leadership

Compassionate Leadership is a philosophy that combines empathy, understanding, and genuine care for employees with the tasks and goals of the leader. In the following, we address the most important facets:

Understanding and empathy for employees

Actively listening to employees and being present is the essence of compassionate leadership. Understanding what your team members are saying, their challenges, and what they want and responding with empathy fosters a sense of appreciation and connection within the team.

Create a culture of well-being

Compassionate leaders value work-life balance and create an environment that promotes mental and physical health. They recognize the importance of well-being to overall performance and productivity and work proactively to create a positive atmosphere.

Recognition and appreciation

Recognizing and appreciating team members’ accomplishments is vital in compassionate leadership. Regular feedback, positive reinforcement, and celebrating successes large and small contribute to a strong sense of accomplishment and belonging.

Leading with authenticity and vulnerability

Authenticity in leadership fosters trust, and showing vulnerability makes leaders more approachable. Genuine interactions and a willingness to admit mistakes can build a deeper connection with team members and enhance the overall leadership experience.

Mentoring and supporting professional development

Compassionate leadership includes investing in personal development plans and providing opportunities and resources for success. These efforts demonstrate a genuine interest in individual success and professional development and align with the organization’s overall goals.

The far-reaching impact of compassionate leadership

Compassionate leadership impacts the workplace, community engagement, and organizational reputation. A compassionate approach often leads to long-term employee loyalty and contributes to the stability and success of the organization.

Compassionate leadership goes beyond mere management and recognizes that organizations are made up of people with individual needs and emotions. Compassionate leaders create an environment where individuals thrive by focusing on empathy, well-being, recognition, authenticity, and growth. This humane and effective approach fits perfectly with modern business values and can be a critical factor in a company’s success.

Practical tips for building influence through empathetic leadership

Building influence through empathetic leadership is a delicate balance that, when done right, can lead to remarkable results in an organization. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman has been influential in understanding empathy in leadership (Goleman, D. 1995. “Emotional Intelligence.” New York: Bantam Books).

Here are some practical tips:

Build trust through transparency and integrity

Trust is the foundation of influence, and leaders can foster it through transparency and integrity. Honest communication and consistent action help employees feel safe and aligned with their leaders’ vision.

Empathy and connection with team members

Part of being an empathetic leader is understanding your team members and connecting with them personally. Leaders can create meaningful connections that increase their impact by showing genuine interest in their well-being and professional development.

Set clear goals and expectations

Clear goals and expectations help team members understand their roles and responsibilities. A shared vision promotes alignment and enables effective collaboration, strengthening the leader’s influence on the team.

Lead by example

Leaders who lead by example set a positive standard for the team. They demonstrate commitment and integrity by aligning with the team’s values and expectations, further strengthening their influence.

Promoting collaboration and open communication

Encouraging collaboration and open communication within the team creates a supportive environment where ideas can flourish. Leaders who actively engage with their teams foster creativity and problem-solving, key influence components.

Invest in professional development

Investing in team members’ professional development shows that the leader values their growth and success. Offering training and development opportunities can foster loyalty and engagement and strengthen the leader’s influence.

Meet challenges with empathy and determination

Meeting challenges with empathy and determination builds team resilience. Leaders who address problems with empathy and determination demonstrate strength and compassion, strengthening their influence.

Building influence through compassionate leadership is a multi-faceted approach that requires commitment, empathy, clarity, leading by example, collaboration, investment in growth, and resilience. By focusing on these practical tips, leaders can cultivate powerful influence that resonates with their teams and contributes positively to organizational success.

Wrapping it up

Leading through influence combined with the principles of compassionate leadership is a powerful paradigm for modern leadership. This article has shown that influence is about understanding, inspiring, and creating positive change. Compassion adds depth to this influence by recognizing the intrinsic value of people in the workplace and treating employees with empathy and care.

Experienced professionals will find practical strategies for integrating influence and compassion into their leadership style in this article. The path to success has many facets, from building trust and rapport with team members to setting clear goals and investing in professional development. It requires dedication, authenticity, empathy, and ethical consideration. Read The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey (Covey, S.M.R. 2006. New York: Free Press) to learn more.

The fusion of influence and compassion creates an effective human leadership approach. It recognizes that people with individual needs, emotions, and aspirations drive organizations. Leaders who take these principles to heart can inspire their teams, drive innovation, foster long-term loyalty, and contribute positively to organizational success.

Even as the business world evolves, influence and compassionate leadership principles remain relevant. They are consistent with today’s values and timeless qualities for those seeking to build authority, influence, and prominence in their industry. By embodying these principles, leaders make themselves successful and contribute to a more empathetic and innovative business world.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About Chris O'Byrne

Chris O'Byrne is the CEO of JetLaunch Publishing and COO of the Strategic Advisor Board. He makes leaders influential by turning them into international bestselling authors and featuring them on the cover of Pivot, a leading business magazine that reaches over 30 million people.|

If you want to learn more about Jess Todtfeld, you can visit his company's website here.

Chris O'Byrne Headshot

The Four Critical Levels of Being a Great Communicator & Why They Matter

By Jess Todtfeld, President of Success In Media, Inc.

As we navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, it's crucial to remember the significance of personal connection, especially in leadership roles.

After dedicating the past 18 years to teaching media training skills and presentation skills, I've come to realize that the essence of leadership is found in speaking – in connecting with people face-to-face, or in today's climate, virtually. Yes, we've adapted, we've embraced technology, but as leaders, we must not forget that at the heart of every interaction, there's a human need to connect.

woman speaking in front of crowd with a microphone

The modern world presents a unique challenge: How do we maintain this essential human connection amidst the screens and devices that dominate our lives? The answer lies in understanding the power of speech in leadership and harnessing it effectively.

Speaking as a leader isn’t just about giving orders or delegating tasks. It’s about engaging people, sharing visions, inspiring actions, and fostering a spirit of teamwork. And achieving these goals requires mastering The Four Critical Levels of Being a Great Communicator: Understanding, Remembering, Action, and Passing on to Others. These stages serve as the foundation of impactful leadership speaking.

  1. Understanding: The first step to effective communication is making sure your message is understood. This requires clear, concise language free from jargon or complicated concepts. As a leader, you need to deliver your message in a way that your team, clients, or audience can easily grasp. The clearer your message, the better the understanding, and the stronger the connection you can establish.
  2. Remembering: A message that's understood but quickly forgotten will achieve little. To make your message stick, stories are invaluable. They weave a narrative around your message, turning it from mere information into a memorable journey. Remember, people may forget statistics or figures, but they rarely forget a compelling story.
  3. Action: Great communication isn’t passive; it drives action. Once people understand and remember your message, they should feel motivated to act upon it. As a leader, your words should empower others, giving them the tools or knowledge they need to improve their lives or make a difference.
  4. Passing on to Others: The ultimate level of communication is when your message is shared by those who heard it. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of communication. When someone shares your message, it signifies a deep connection – they found your words impactful enough to pass on to others.

In a world where face-to-face interactions are increasingly being replaced by face-to-screen encounters, the need for leaders to effectively communicate and connect with others has never been more paramount. True leaders don’t just speak – they connect, inspire, and motivate. They use their words to create shared understanding, memorable narratives, actionable insights, and messages that resonate deeply enough to be passed on.

Here’s some good news…

Pie Chart in newspaper with people looking from all around to see it

We have more opportunities than ever to speak and connect. These include:

Podcasts: In an era where multimedia content is increasingly popular, starting your own podcast can be a great way to share your insights, experiences, and messages. Podcasts create a personal, intimate setting, allowing for more in-depth discussions and providing an opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level. They offer a unique space where you can share your stories, inspire action, and get your messages passed on.

Social Media Videos: Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok have become vital tools for modern leaders. Social media videos allow for dynamic, engaging communication. You can share short motivational messages, elaborate on complex ideas, or give behind-the-scenes glimpses into your leadership journey. These videos are easy to share, increasing the chances of your message being passed on and reaching a wider audience.

Webinars and Virtual Events: As we adapt to a more remote way of working, webinars and virtual events have become commonplace. These platforms offer an opportunity to reach larger, global audiences. They also allow for real-time interaction, Q&As, and instant feedback, helping you gauge understanding and tweak your communication strategies accordingly.

Communication Apps: Apps such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom have revolutionized the way we connect with our teams and peers. These apps provide a space for both formal and informal communication, promoting transparency and fostering a sense of community.

Blogs and Articles: Writing blogs and articles for your own website or guest posting on other platforms is another way to connect. You can delve into subjects in more detail and leave a permanent resource for others to refer back to.

Online Courses and E-Learning Platforms: Sharing your expertise through online courses or e-learning platforms can help inspire action. You can educate your audience on a particular subject, provide them with the tools to make positive changes, and continue to foster their growth long after they've finished your course.

LinkedIn Live and Clubhouse: Platforms like LinkedIn Live and Clubhouse offer live audio and video broadcasting opportunities. They allow real-time conversations with audiences, which can lead to lively discussions, idea exchanges, and networking opportunities.

As leaders, it's our responsibility to bridge the digital divide and maintain the human connection that's so vital in our world today. By mastering these four levels of communication, we can transcend the boundaries of the screen and connect with people in meaningful, impactful ways. And in the process, we can redefine what it means to be a leader in the digital age.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About Jess Todtfeld

Jess Todtfeld is the President of Success in Media, one of the leading communication and media training authorities in the U.S. With more than 15 years as a media trainer and consultant, Todtfeld helps CEOs, business executives, spokespersons, public relations representatives, experts, and authors to become more confident, more in control, and to create more results from their speaking engagements and media appearances.

If you want to learn more about Jess Todtfeld, you can visit his training site or his Guaranteed Publicity agency, Media Ambassadors.

Headshot of Jess Todtfeld smiling

How to Improve Your Corporate Book Sales and Sponsorships

By Charmaine Hammond, CEO/Founder of Raise a Dream

Selling books in bulk through securing corporate sales and sponsorship is the goal of many authors, but the HOW (to do this) gets in the way. When authors understand the sponsorship process, how to position corporate book sales with buyers, and how to step into action, the results (and book sales) can be off the charts!

Corporate book sales and sponsorship can provide powerful and effective opportunities that help authors sell more books. These sales also assist authors in making a bigger impact with their message and reaching more people. 

In reality though, authors put so much time, energy, passion, and resources into writing their book that, often, they’re not ready for the next phase of hard work, which is the marketing and selling of the book. As an 11x best-selling author, I know first-hand how much effort goes into bringing a book to life and keeping sales alive on a regular basis. Your writing will reach more readers when you treat your book like a business. With that in mind, your book needs a business plan to ensure its ongoing success.

When you think about your book as a business, you will find you are more creative and more focused in your marketing and sales strategies. Part of this same shift in thinking involves considering corporate sales, bulk buys, and sponsorship. Let’s dive into this a little deeper.

Bulk Book Sales with BOGOs

What does it mean to sell books in bulk? Bulk sales can be a bundled set of books (e.g., if you have more than one published title or selling anywhere from 5 – 500 quantities of the same book). 

You can dip your toe in the “bulk” pool by using our Raise a Dream BOGO (Buy One, GIFT One) method where you encourage attendees at book signing events to purchase two books (you do not have to discount the price). The purchaser takes one purchased copy of the book home to read while the second purchased copy is donated by them to a charity that you have preselected.

Having a basket to put those donated books in is a powerful visual. It is great to have a charity representative onsite / present at the book signing to accept the donated books. This strategy provides an effective way to “start small” selling books in bulk. From our experience, implementing this strategy increased our book sales by at least 80% at live events. 

A quick note of advice: Always discuss the arrangements with the bookstore first. Most stores are more than fine with the strategy as they see the potential to sell more books (without discounting the price), while also doing good for the community.

Now let’s turn the page to look at selling by the box, increasing the number of books in a sale.

Selling Books by the Box

Taking bulk sales of books to a higher level, consider how you can sell books by the box. In selling by the box, one strategy is to identify what schools, charities, groups, and organizations would benefit from having copies of your book for their staff, clients, or events. Who is a fit for your book?

Here are some ideas on how to sell books by the box:

  1. Partner with service clubs (such as Rotary, Lions, or Optimist Clubs) to purchase a box of books to donate to:
    • a) local libraries,
    • b) local organizations,
    • or c) to hand out at their service club events.
  2. Approach past clients to purchase a box of books to provide to their staff or their own clients as gifts. You can also encourage them to buy books that could be donated to the charities that they support. 
  3. Approach businesses you deal with to purchase a box of books to sell at their location. The owners can either keep the money or donate it to their favorite charity.
    • Note: My first attempt at this was with my hairstylist and clothing store I shop at. One box of books led to more and more throughout the year. Then my optometrist purchased a box of books (a book for children) to hand out to his clients who were parents with young children.

Be creative. Ask trusted colleagues and friends for their ideas.

Corporate Book Sales

Would your book be appropriate for attendees at a conference you are attending, exhibiting at, or speaking at? 

If yes, what about approaching potential sponsors (who have an interest in the audience that is attending the event) to sponsor books for everyone in the audience or for the first 25 or 50 people who register or show up at the event?

Take Action

The key to selling books in bulk is to first be creative and think outside the box and beyond the bookstore, then:

  1. Create a strategy.
  2. Identify those businesses (and individuals) that you will be approaching.
  3. Step into action.
  4. Repeat the processes that are successful all year long.

Corporate sales and bulk sales are one of the best ways to make a bigger impact with your message and book (and create more sales in the process). If you’d like to learn how to sell more books without leaving home, discover how to create a sharing circle that spreads your marketing messages, and receive tips for marketing your book on social media in a way that gets traction, register for this complimentary video, 5 Ways to Sell More Books in the Next 90 Days.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About Charmaine Hammond

Charmaine Hammond, CSP, has been in the business of changing lives and raising dreams for more than 25 years through teaching the principles of collaboration, partnership, and sponsorship. As a Certified Speaking Professional and best-selling author, Charmaine shares her unmatched speaking, sponsorship, and entrepreneurial experiences with business owners, nonprofits, authors, and speakers looking to expand the funding and reach of their projects. She is also the Founder and CEO of Raise a Dream, which provides the training and support needed for you to take your idea from big vision to global brand.

Headshot of Charmaine Hammond smiling

How to Grow an Aligned Audience as a Thought Leader

By M. Shannon Hernandez, CEO/Founder of Joyful Business Revolution

Colorful hands raised on a pink background

If you're like most thought leaders, you've spent time developing a course or program that you were beyond excited to share with the world. It checked all the boxes:

  • It answered every question your ideal client might have. 
  • It solved a frustration or pain point your ideal client shared with you.
  • It aligned with your brand's core mission and values.

And you were SURE it would sell out in minutes.

…but when you announced your shiny new program or product…instead of sales, you heard the sound of crickets. OUCH. We have ALL been there.

Now, part of owning a business is taking risks. And while you can't eliminate every chance of disappointment that comes with running your business, you can lessen the risk of selling a whopping zero programs or products with a very simple (yet often ignored) tactic: testing your messaging. 

Instead of spending too much time thinking about creating a new offer or program…

Or spending months (or years) developing an entire suite of programs and offers…

…today, we are excited to share our tried-and-true method that will allow you to assess whether your idea is perceived as genuinely transformative to your audience – instead of just assuming that it will be.

Growing an aligned audience excited to learn from you requires cultivating a community eager to receive your wisdom, support, and guidance.

If you want to cultivate an aligned audience of humans who are excited about you and your business, you need to take a hard look at three key things:

  1. Your niche
  2. Your voice
  3. The Invitation

Once you master those three things, you'll find that selling your programs and products becomes more straightforward and practically effortless.

Know Your Niche

It's not enough to assume that you're “niched down” – you've got to go deep here because surface-level “knowing” is no longer enough.

While you can narrow your niche in many ways, you want to focus on the ways that will result in them being able to say, “OH, THAT IS ME,” followed by, “I BELONG HERE.”

And, no, targeting people based on their Netflix obsession or their passion for crocheting isn't going to work. You'll waste precious time focusing on these things.

Instead, please focus on the actions they would be taking before working with you.

Use Your Voice

Please note that this does not refer to your volume–and this is where using your Content Personality® makes a massive difference in the energy of how your message is received.

Person on stage in front of a large crowd with colorful lights

The internet is a loud place – and that's before we even take a peek at social media.

When we talk about using your voice, we're talking about communicating your mission-driven message using your Content Personality® so that your narrowed niche can hear you, get excited, and get on board with your solutions, values, and more.

That is how aligned community growth happens!

Invite Them to Join Your Community

You may have already discovered this, but it's not enough to “post and pray,” hoping your aligned audience will find you as if by magic.

Instead of just hoping, be tactical with your messaging – invite your audience to share your vision for a changed world. This type of “leaning in” allows others to see you as human and amplifies the need to spread your message.

Suppose you're determined to create a lasting impact on your business and spread your mission. In that case, you'll need to become highly committed to being visible (using your Content Personality®), so your aligned audience can get to know you and cultivate a relationship with you.

Growing an aligned audience is possible, but it takes time, dedication, and courage!

When you share your mission and services with your audience in a way that is genuinely aligned with all the parts that make you UNIQUE, you'll earn their trust and create invaluable relationships (which will make offering your fantastic, ground-breaking, life-changing programs and products much easier).

The thing about growing an engaged, aligned audience is that everyone you're connected to absorbs and processes your messaging at their own pace. 

This naturally means that some of your audience isn't ready to buy…yet. As a business owner, it's important to realize (and accept) that if someone doesn't invest with you today, that does not mean they won't be ready to invest with you later (maybe tomorrow or next week!).

Don't assume that someone not clicking the “buy” button means they don't want to work with you – they may need to grow your relationship first.

But wouldn't it be nice to know if, next time, introducing your brilliant idea makes sense for where the majority of your audience is right now?

(Yes, yes, it would.)

Take Action

If you're ready to make an impact and share your vision for change, take some time to review those three key things that can make or break your next offer.

Ask yourself:

  1. Your Niche: Am I niched down enough? Is the audience I'm speaking to engaging and interacting with me?
  2. Your Voice: Am I communicating effectively so that the people who read or listen to or watch my messaging understand my point of view, values, and mission? 
  3. The Invitation: Have you given the humans who follow your content time to get to know you and grow into a trusting relationship that will naturally lead to them investing in your program or product?

If you don't score perfectly across the board, that's normal (and expected). Review some of your more popular posts, videos, or emails and note how you highlighted your niche, used your voice, and invited your audience to take action.

If you don't have any posts that seem popular, take a broad overview of your messaging and identify areas where you need to improve for clarity and understanding. A great place to start is by learning your natural Content Personality®, and lucky for you, we've created a simple, 3-minute (seriously) quiz to help you understand precisely what your Content Personality® is and how to best utilize your natural talents in your messaging.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About M. Shannon Hernandez

M. Shannon Hernandez is ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz. She is specifically known around the globe for The Content Personality® Wheel and is the Founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, a business growth strategy and consultancy company that works with coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners. Shannon and her team specialize in organic mission-driven marketing and creative campaigns that help their clients grow aligned audiences and deepen community relationships, so they grow their business for GOOD, resulting in more joy, more time-off, and more profits with purpose.

Headshot of M. Shannon Hernandez

How Thought Leadership Archetypes Bring Magic to Your Message

We are all born with two voices: the one we speak with and the one that speaks to us inside. Our inner voice provides navigation through life, while our outer voice is the tool we use to guide, teach, influence, and help others. When our inner voice is aligned with our outer voice, true, authentic thought leadership comes forth.

While we can certainly argue the notion that we have many voices inside of us, (I’m the first person to admit that I have inner ‘board meetings’ sometimes with myself) the central premise here is that our communication becomes clear once we become more congruent and aligned with ourselves. We become more grounded and centered, and when we speak or write, that alignment comes through in all forms of our communication – vocal, physical, energetic, and in the words we choose.

You might have heard of Carl Jung’s 12 Archetypes, and how brands utilize them in marketing. According to Jung, the human psyche is predisposed to these archetypes and they are patterned into us inherently. Versions of these archetypes are found in storytelling across world cultures and through millenia.

We are always evolving our identity as thought leaders. By identifying our current primary and influencing archetypes, we give ourselves a space to check in with our inner and outer voices and ask ourselves: 

  • Is my voice and message consistent?
  • Do my words and thoughts reflect what is authentic for me at this time?
  • Does my message feel forced or awkward, or fluid and easy?
  • Am I enjoying and excited about my own thought leadership, and the messages I’m putting out into the world?

Utilizing archetypes as a guide enriches our content development by giving a natural and psychologically congruent place to develop and express one’s communication style. In essence, when you communicate using your thought leadership archetypes as a guide, you are perceived as credible, trustworthy, and authentic.

Read on with a curious mind and discover the magic of thought leadership archetypes.

The Seekers: Innocent, Explorer, Sage

While there are 12 archetypes, each fall into a quadrant of similarity. The Seekers are a quadrant defined by a need for knowledge, freedom, and safety.

The Innocent is well known for their optimism. They have the ability to comfort others through their “glass half full” mentality. Innocents can simplify complex topics easily, recognize opportunities others may not see, and bring forth an inspirational perspective that carries a team through tough times. While they may be perceived as naive or in denial, the Innocent’s deep faith and trust in life keep them going. 

The Explorer is the Indiana Jones of the workplace. Always looking to embark on the next adventure, the Explorer centers their thought leadership around the potential of unexplored avenues of inquiry, divergent thinking, and asking great questions that can lead to innovation. Explorers value autonomy and freedom over all else, which may lead them to feel trapped and easily bored.

The Sage is your quintessential thought leader. Sages are perceived as experts in a wide range of topics due to their love for learning, and therefore make excellent mentors, educators, and coaches. While they may not be the most charismatic, their ability to think critically and analyze data allows Sages to enjoy a high level of credibility amongst their colleagues and followers.

The Disruptors: Hero, Rebel, Magician

The Disruptors are those who leave a mark. They are courageous, provocative, and dynamic people who value liberation, power, and mastery.

The Hero inspires others with their stories of overcoming the odds and rising to challenges. They thrive in a competitive environment with a clear set of goals, and take pride in their dedication to their cause. However, this need to succeed may cause Heroes to disregard their personal wellbeing, as their strength comes not from themselves but who they are in the world. 

The Rebel has the courage to challenge the status quo. A positive advocate for change, Rebels are admired for their ability to speak out against inefficient systems and comfortably live in the uncomfortable. Their high tolerance for risk allows them to throw out the old in favor of the new, even if their recklessness comes at a high price.

The Magician is a charismatic miracle-worker. They use their charm and creative intuition to bring the seemingly impossible into fruition, because Magicians love to make dreams come true. Their spot-on hunches and ability to influence their adversaries may cause others to doubt the credibility of Magicians. In the face of disbelief, Magicians return to themselves and spiritual guidance to carry on. 

The Builders: Creator, Ruler, Caregiver

The Builders provide structure in an increasingly noisy world. They are creative, compassionate, and confident.

The Creator is powered by imagination. Their ability to see the final product in the raw material is what allows them to foster innovation and self-expression. Creators take an artful and individual approach to creative thinking and problem solving that motivates others to stretch themselves and see the creative solution. Like most artists and entrepreneurs, Creators have a flair for the dramatics and are prone to perfectionism in everything they do.

The Ruler is a natural-born leader who knows how to use power. They prefer to lead from within, utilizing their social organization prowess and networking skills to improve the world. They may be seen as domineering and tyrannical, but Rulers know when they should intervene with structure, rules, and decisions.

The Caregivers’ superpower is their empathy. Caregivers notice when others need help and support. They naturally foster peaceful and harmonious environments where all feel welcome and safe. While they tend to have poor boundaries, the Caregivers use their keen social intelligence to be the “glue” holding everything together.

The Connectors: Everyperson, Lover, Jester

The last quadrant of archetypes is the Connector. These are people who excel at connecting meaningfully with others in a fair, passionate, and funny way.

The Everyperson is a leader that’s hard to spot. They prefer to fit in with the crowd and be relatable, yet still inspire, advocate, and foster others like any other archetype does. This unique take on leadership comes from their steadfast belief in the equality of every person. They are loyal to humanity to a fault, and their realist approach to life may be mistaken as pessimism. 

The Lover seeks real connection in their life. With their charismatic, engaging, and beautiful personalities, Lovers excel at creating lasting relationships that are meaningful and abundant. They know how to incorporate the romantic, the cherished, and the intimate into their personal branding from wearing their heart on their sleeves their whole lives.

And finally, The Jester is proof that life is but a stage. Jesters know how to effectively use humor and performance to promote change. They encourage others to laugh rather than cry and foster high morale amongst their team, effortlessly creating an environment where people want to work. Jesters put the fun back into boring presentations, meetings or brainstorming sessions, as long as they stay away from mean-spirited or self-indulgent jokes.

We are each a blend of archetypes to varying degrees. Sometimes connecting to a different archetype than our primary is just what you need to spice up your thought leadership. Which archetype, or blend of archetypes, do you resonate with the most? 

At Twin Flames Studios, we’re developing a more powerful assessment (releasing later this year) to support you, your voice, and messaging of your thought leadership archetypes.

If you don’t want to wait to discover more about using your Thought Leadership Archetypes, meet with us to discuss how we can deepen your presence and grow your business and message with your voice. 

Inspired to turn your Voice into influence and become a Thought Leader worth listening to?

Let's Talk

What Authors Should Know Before Hiring a PR Firm

By Jennifer Tucker, Marketing Manager at Smith Publicity

Reporters holding cameras and microphones in every direction

You’ve worked incredibly hard on your book, and you’re finally ready to get it out into the world for others to learn from, appreciate, and enjoy. One of the first decisions you’ll have to make is about how to do that. If you choose to work with a book marketing firm (which, of course, we highly suggest), there are several things you should consider before hiring one.

Book marketing campaigns often move at a fast and furious pace, so preparing your platform, materials, schedule, and expectations prior to kicking off your campaign will ensure that you are ready to hit the ground running from day one. While finding the right team can feel like an overwhelming process, taking the time to do so will set you up for maximum book marketing success. Here are some things to know before hiring your PR firm:

Prep your platform

Before bringing a book marketing agency on board, you’ll want to make sure you have a solid foundation for your author platform. What exactly is an author platform and why is it important? Your author platform consists of the various places you “house” your author information and get yourself out there, and having an active and cohesive platform ultimately helps to build your brand. Now, you can make the most of your time once your campaign begins.

Though your publicist can help guide you on how to grow the various pieces of your author platform as part of your book marketing campaign, having most of the pieces in place in advance will benefit you greatly. You’ll want to be sure you have a professional website with information about your book that includes clear instructions on where and how to purchase, an “about” page for you as the author, a page for media coverage, and a page for contacting you.  If you’re working with a publicist, you can put their contact information for the duration of your campaign. Make sure your social media pages are linked, as well.

Speaking of social media pages, they certainly constitute an important part of your author platform. Though it’s not necessary to be active on every social media platform, having at least one or two pages that are updated frequently and consistently adds legitimacy to your brand, facilitates connection with potential readers on a more personal level, and simply helps you get the word out about your book. Having these pages up and running before your book marketing campaign begins will give you an advantage for two major reasons. Once pitching begins, the media may search you to see what kind of online presence you already have established. Also, you will be able to share any media coverage you receive on your social media pages which will amplify the number of eyes on your project.

Communicate your schedule and availability

Clipart-style calendar with clock next to it

Simply put, the most collaborative book marketing campaigns are the most successful. Your PR team knows you have a life outside your book; however, if you’re committing to marketing your book, you will get the best results if you can dedicate proper time to media opportunities as they arise. For instance, you may receive a request to write a guest article, an invitation to appear on a podcast, or be tapped (often last minute, due to the nature of the media) to offer expert commentary. If you’ve anticipated the possibility of these extra projects and made room in your schedule for them, you’ll be able to get the very most out of your campaign.

Before your book publicity campaign begins, make sure you’ve assessed your schedule for the time the campaign will be taking place and have communicated any “black out dates,”  or dates you absolutely won’t be available for interviews and/or other opportunities to your publicist. It’s also helpful to communicate openly with your team, family, and friends so they are aware that, during the time of your campaign, your schedule may look different as you are in the midst of a publicity push for your book.

Get clear on your goals

People standing next to life-size cartoon-style trophy, bullseye, and notebook of goals

A good book marketing firm will ask you what your goals for your campaign are before you sign on. This may seem like an obvious question and an even more obvious answer; however, there are many different goals an author can have for their campaign. Whether your goal is to sell books, to grow your brand, to bring in new business, to raise awareness for an important issue or cause, or to become established as an author… it’s important that you and your publicist are on the same page. Your book publicity campaign will be designed to achieve—and build a strong foundation to continue to achieve—the agreed-upon goals of you and your team.

Having a strong sense of what your goals are and why before hiring your PR firm will help you go into your book marketing campaign with a sense of clarity, and will help your PR team design a campaign that is customized to go after the types of opportunities that will ultimately help you achieve your goals.

Keep in mind that the more realistic your goals are, the more likely you are to achieve them. Creating your goals based on what will really move the needle for your particular project, instead of what you think looks or sounds most impressive, can fast-track the success you see. Which brings us to…

Set your expectations

Before hiring your book marketing team, it’s helpful to know that coverage is very rarely guaranteed—especially in the timeframe of your campaign. This doesn’t mean you won’t get any coverage or even see fantastic results during your campaign and afterward, but sometimes authors go into the process expecting to become a New York Times best-seller within weeks of kicking off. The truth is, with nearly 2 million books published globally each year, there’s fierce competition. Though your publicist will work their absolute hardest to make sure you stand apart, setting your expectations from the get-go will ensure that you’re going after the right opportunities.

It's also important to note that before you’re in the thick of your campaign, not all coverage will occur within the timeframe of your book marketing campaign. Your PR team is working to set you up for continued success, meaning you may likely see coverage come through days, weeks, months, and even years after your active campaign has concluded.

Rally your network

Woman staring up at a mountainous pile of papers

Finally, before hiring professionals to get the word out about your book, don’t forget to make announcements to your own personal and professional networks. In moving down the checklist of who to contact once their book is ready to be publicized, many authors forget to add their nearest and dearest to the list when, of course, they are your built-in and biggest fans. 

Rallying your team, clients, LinkedIn connections, friends, family, and community in support of your book will give you a head start in terms of building your following.

Each individual who spreads the word to their own network offers endless possibilities for organically growing your readership. After all, the power of word of mouth recommendations and support should never be underestimated.

The time period after finishing your book but before officially launching is a sacred one. How you use this time to prepare you for what’s to come can make all the difference.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About Jennifer Tucker

Jennifer Tucker is the Marketing Manager at Smith Publicity, and before that worked as a book publicist at the firm for nearly a decade. While there, she secured top national media placements for her authors including Good Morning America, People Magazine, Nightline, Fox & Friends, Family Circle, NPR, and The Los Angeles Times. For questions about services, please reach out to

Headshot of Jennifer Tucker smiling

How Do You Create Quality Content That Stands Out from the Crap?

Here’s some facts that might shock you. 500 million tweets are sent out daily, and the weight of that sheer amount of content can be felt. On top of that, 11% of these tweets come from bots, whose sole purpose is to generate content.

In a world of AI-generated content and increasingly cluttered digital noise, it’s more important than ever to have our authenticity and humanity be heard. But aren’t you as exhausted as I am with the notion that you must be EVERYWHERE in order to stay relevant and ‘top of mind?’

So, we can use technology to help us, right? Our tech tools are wonderful, but they can also go completely off the rails. Here’s a few entertaining but cringe-worthy examples of #MARKETINGFAILS. 

KFC had to apologize after sending a promotional message to customers in Germany urging them to commemorate Kristallnacht with cheesy chicken. Kristallnacht was a Nazi-era attack resulting in the death of 90+ Jewish people, marking the beginning of the Holocaust. Yikes. This PR meltdown started because KFC programmed a bot to send automated push notifications based on calendar events, including national observance days. 

In another notable campaign, Coca-Cola encouraged people to reply to negative tweets with #MakeItHappy, so a bot could transform the negative words of the tweet into a cute image. As things on the internet so often do, Coke’s innocent attempt at positivity went south as quotes from Hitler’s Mein Kampf were tagged with #MakeItHappy. The bot made positive images, one of them being a cat playing the drums, out of Hitler’s words. When technology tools go unregulated, we see these types of consequences occurring.

Inflation nowadays…

And yet, we must ABC! (Always Be Creating…right?)

The Thought Leaders, like you, that we work with every day have brilliant bodies of work through your audiobooks and podcasts that we produce with you.

BUT, what I hear most often from our clients is the experience of ‘content fatigue.’ This is the state of listening to their own message over and over again in their minds, on paper, in their emails, and in their courses and classes. Content fatigue is something that thought leaders battle every day.

Did you know, however, that our audiences don’t get tired of entertaining, interesting content? Particularly when that content is surrounding a focused topic. 

I never get bored of the antics of the Pearls Before Swine comics, or of JauncyDev, the content creator who famously creates videos giving human personalities to different dog breeds. Millions of people eagerly await every single derivative that these content creators bring to the table, month on month and year upon year.

We, as thought leaders, are no different. When we allow ourselves to go deeper into our content to find derivatives and angles on the topics we’re already in love with, our audiences come along with us.

3 Ways to Get Re-Energized From Your Own Message

The ‘Book Oracle’

Open your book to any page and read a couple of paragraphs out loud while running a voice recording app on your phone in the background. Then stop looking at the book but keep talking, stream of consciousness style, riffing on your own content. Transcribe what you say and see what new nuggets arise.

The ‘Indignant Response’

Set Google Alerts for keywords or topics in your book, and allow yourself to get catalyzed by what pops up. I used this method in the creation of this message- it’s a response to the article on AI generated content issues where I learned about the KFC fail.

The ‘Dear Abby’

Collaborate with a colleague, fan, or team member who is familiar with your work to send you a question each week for you to answer. These questions can be created for each chapter of your book, or episode of your podcast. Freely allow yourself to answer and ask questions as you capture this exchange in a document, in emails, or even in video or audio exchanges.

The last thing any of us need right now as humans, much less as leaders, is more noise. Focusing on content ‘craft’ vs. ‘crap’ is the gift we can give ourselves as a good use of our time, and the gift we can give the people we serve to make their time and attention worthwhile.

Inspired to turn your Voice into influence and become a Thought Leader worth listening to?

Let's Talk

Does AI Mean Doom for the Future of Audiobooks and Podcasting?

In early January of this year, the tech giant Apple launched a catalog of over 25 audiobooks completely narrated by artificial intelligence. If you’ve written a book or have a podcast, this is some industry shaking news. AI is predicted to play huge roles in audio industries this year, and it shows no signs of slowing down. What does this mean for thought leaders? Is a robot coming to replace you? 

Well, no. If anything, this is an opportunity to further use your authentic voice as an essential part of your brand. 

First, let’s get one thing straight: the need for a human voice is not going away. AI audio is a great cheap option, but humans crave more depth than what it has to offer. AI cannot accurately add breathing into audio at this time, which is key for how humans listen and interpret the credibility of a narrator, as well as the emotional content. Inflection, modulation, sarcasm, and much more are all beyond the current technology’s capability.

Even more, AI audio runs the risk of dipping into the “uncanny valley,” a psychological phenomenon where people feel uneasy around things that appear similar to, but not quite human.

Our voices are invaluable resources, and the data shows this. Podcasts and audiobooks continue to grow at unprecedented rates. Take a look at the growth:

The podcasts and audiobooks that an ever growing audience are seeking out feature authentic human voices. Our unique speaking styles as thought leaders are something that AI can never replace. In fact, doubling down on our uniqueness by utilizing our voices as an essential part of our brands is a smart growth and marketing strategy that we can explore further in conversation together.

However, this isn’t to say that all AI is bad, or that it has no place in the audio industry. In fact, the judicious use of AI saves us on our precious resources of focus and time. Thought leaders and content creators can use up and coming technology to further their message. Take a look at some software you should keep your eye on this year: 

As mentioned above, there’s no stopping artificial intelligence. And while the world is safe from a robot audiobook narrator apocalypse (for now), you can rest easy knowing that your authentic voice is your biggest asset. AI can only help you save time and broaden your reach this year.

Inspired to turn your Voice into influence and become a Thought Leader worth listening to?

Let's Talk

Don’t Write Your Book Until You Know These Five Things!

By Kim Eley, CEO/Founder of KWE Publishing

Stack of colorful books

So many writers dream of publishing their books, but if you don’t know where to start, the process of actually publishing a book can seem daunting! The process of publishing a book can seem like it’s shrouded in secrecy.

In particular, writers who have never published a book before often are filled with questions about how to publish, what their publishing options are, when to contact a publisher, what marketing will look like, and much more.

Here’s some good news: even though you might be overwhelmed, you can publish a book—even if you’ve never published anything before! There are so many amazing first-time authors whose stories have changed readers’ lives, and your story deserves to be told, too!

To make the concept of publishing a little more approachable, we’re going to share five things writers who want to publish their first book should know about the world of publishing!

1. There are a variety of ways you can publish your book.

When writers think about publishing their books, they often think about one of two things: working with big-name publishers (also known as traditional publishing) or self-publishing. And while these are both options, there’s a third option as well—working with a hybrid publisher.

Let’s break down the three most common ways books are published:

  • Traditional publishing: you typically submit your manuscript or pitch your manuscript to a publisher, often through an agent; the publisher in these cases often has more control of your manuscript, the layout of the book, etc., and the royalties you receive can vary from publisher to publisher.
  • Hybrid publishing: this is sometimes considered an option that’s in between traditional publishing and self-publishing. You still maintain a good amount of control over your book, but you’ll also work with editors and publishers who can do much of the technical work that’s involved in publishing a book (such as ensuring your book makes it to wholesalers, formatting your book, etc.).
  • Self-publishing: you have ultimate control over your book, and while you have the potential to keep more of the money you make, you also have to pay for editors, illustrators, marketing, etc., directly, and you will need to research the ins and outs of what’s needed to publish your book on particular platforms (obtaining your ISBN, creating and formatting your documents, etc.).

So, what’s the best option for you? It depends on your timeline, budget, patience, and goals. If you want to publish and retain total control over the process, want to keep the bulk of what you make off your book, are okay with doing some research, and you’re willing to independently hire editors and/or illustrators, self-publishing might be a good option. Hybrid publishing is a great option for writers who want to maintain control over their books but need some help with formatting, editing, and other behind-the-scenes things involved in publishing. Traditional publishing can be time-consuming, especially for first-time authors who don’t have an agent, but pitching your manuscript to a traditional publisher can lead to your book being picked up in some cases (though it’s not always guaranteed, of course).

Ultimately, none of these options are “better” or “worse” than the others—it all depends on what you want!

2. You can contact a publisher before your book is complete.

If you want to work with a traditional or hybrid publisher, you don’t have to wait until your book is complete to reach out. In fact, it can be useful to start working with a publisher well before you plan to publish your book!

Though every book will vary (and some publishers will have a preference as to when you submit your manuscript), manuscripts often go through several iterations. After a first draft is written, editors who work with your publisher (if you choose to work with a hybrid publisher or traditional publisher) will review your manuscript to look for any grammatical, technical, or developmental issues that may need to be corrected.

Woman looking at a laptop

For authors who want to self-publish, it’s often a good idea to contact an editor (or several editors, depending on the length of your manuscript and the genre you’re writing in) soon after you’ve finished your first draft. Being open to revisions and suggestions from experts can help you create a more polished book, which translates to giving readers a better reading experience.

3. You don't worry too much about formatting if you're using a hybrid publisher or a traditional publisher.

Often, people worry about making their manuscript look a particular way before sending it off to a publisher, and while you do want your work to be legible, the format you send your book in is likely not the way your book will ultimately look if you work with a traditional or hybrid publisher!

That doesn't mean you want your formatting to be a total mess, of course—after all, being organized as you write will make the process of publishing less time-consuming!—but you don't necessarily have to spend hours or lots of money on trying to format your book yourself.

open and closed books scattered and stacked haphazardly on a table

Most publishers are familiar with taking manuscripts written in Google Docs or Microsoft Word and formatting them as needed. Formatting is a part of the publishing process that publishers often take care of, so you don't need to buy pricey software that may not be needed on your end, to begin with.

If you're self-publishing, depending on the platform(s) you're using, you still likely won't have to spend too much on formatting; many platforms, such as Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), offer templates that can be used for formatting.

Of course, if you're self-publishing and are struggling to get your format to look just right, don't hesitate to reach out to an expert who can help! You can find experienced individuals willing to help you format your book on sites like Upwork or Fiverr, for example.

4. It’s never too soon to start marketing.

Regardless of what method you choose to use when publishing your book, it’s never too early to begin your marketing efforts.

When working with a hybrid or traditional publisher, some (if not most, in some cases) of the marketing efforts will be done for you. With a hybrid publisher, you may be offered marketing packages that you can use when marketing your book, or you can choose to go solo if you’re a marketing whiz.

And when you self-publish, you’ll be the one who’s responsible for your marketing; in some cases, you might want to hire a professional, but some authors prefer to do the marketing on their own.

There are several great ways to market yourself and your book well before it’s published, including by creating a mailing list, talking about the publishing and writing processes on a blog or social media platform, creating a website for your book, paying for ads, appearing on podcasts…the list goes on!

By marketing your book before it’s published, you can build up an audience. An audience that knows you (aka a warm market) is generally more likely to purchase something of yours than an audience that doesn’t know you (aka a cold market). Plus, building an audience early ensures you can continue to share about future projects beyond your first book!

Of course, you can also market your book well after it’s been published, too, especially if your book is coming out in new formats, such as an audiobook, after the first printed edition of your book has been published.

5. You define what success looks like when it comes to your book!

People gathered around stacks of books for a signing

Every writer has a different reason for publishing their book. Some writers want to entertain readers, some want to educate and advocate for a particular group of individuals, and others just want to share a story that’s important to them.

If you’re working with a hybrid or traditional publisher, spend some time talking to them about what your expectations are for your book. They can help you figure out what’s realistic and manageable, and what steps you need to take to meet your goals.

And if you choose to go the self-publishing route, it’s still important to clearly define your goals for your book—and do a bit of research to learn the best ways to meet them. You don’t have to wait until you’ve finished your book to start this process!

Just because you’ve never published a book before doesn’t mean the process has to be overly complex or difficult!

Whether you choose to self-publish, work with a hybrid publisher, or work with a traditional publisher, you can create and share your story with the world—it just takes some time, patience, and a willingness to learn and accept some outside help when needed.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About Kim Eley

Specializing in personal development books and thoughtful children's books is the mission of Kim Wells Eley’s company, KWE Publishing; the common thread of both is to help people see what's possible and shift to a more enjoyable, fulfilled life. she says. As a writing coach and publishing consultant, Kim gives clients six steps to make their books a reality.

Kim is happily married to her BFF and has been for over 20 years. She’s a speaker; an author; a resident of Prince George, Virginia; a cat lover; a collector of orchids; and she gets all of her news from comedy shows.

Headshot of Kim Eley holding a stack of books on her head.

3 Ways to Improve DEI Programs with Internal Podcasting

By Tina Dietz, CEO Twin Flames Studios

Twelve years ago, over 80 percent of Americans reported that they held companies highly accountable for promoting diversity, ensuring human rights, and educating employees to take action ( Who’s Responsible?, 2010). More than a decade later, how has that accountability translated? How can we continue to battle unconscious bias in the workplace?

DEI is not a new and trendy idea, nor is it a “nice to have.” A corporate culture that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion is an expectation-and for good reason. If your company is not diving in and doing the work to cultivate a culture where diversity is welcomed as the norm, you’re missing out. What gets unlocked with diversity is the endless innovation and creativity brought out by your employee’s authentic selves. 

The human voice has qualities that transcend demographics. Various vocal features such as the “contagiousness” of laughter, structures and themes in oral storytelling techniques, and the detection of when someone is trustworthy via someone’s voice are hardwired into us as humans. The implementation of internal corporate podcasts allows for the diversity in companies and organizations to flourish, to reinforce and develop company culture and values, and democratize leadership. 

But why podcasting? You might be surprised that research shows that audio-only communication can increase team-cohesion and productivity. 

With audio-only communication and internal podcasting your organization can:

  • Develop better listening skills
  • Cultivate an environment to form deeper connections 
  • Establish a culture of verbal equity
  • Decrease bias
  • Increase your team’s overall happiness 
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Create psychological safety

Many companies are implementing podcasting as part of their DEI programs. Here are three powerful benefits of internal podcasting to promote and develop diversity and inclusion in the workplace with specific examples:

  1. Podcasts give ERGs an opportunity to have a voice

Employee-led resource groups (ERG) promote diversity and inclusion by ensuring everyone gets an opportunity to have a voice. 

Some great examples include:

  • Sodexo Diversity & Inclusion is one of the company’s six strategic imperatives, including their DEI podcast, with 25 percent of the executive bonuses linked to diversity objectives. 

  • The Lehigh University podcast, featured in PodBean. When asked, “Is there a wider value to the podcast?” This was the response: 

“The podcast has allowed staff members’ stories to have greater reach than their normal range might offer. For example, one of the staffers is a role model to, and supportive of, the LGBT+ community at Lehigh. Students and faculty members who otherwise may not know, were made aware of this person's commitment to being an important resource. Another episode featured the story of the university’s performing arts center director. This story served both to highlight the diverse careers and paths to them at Lehigh and also to show people beyond the campus the many functions the university serves in the community,” Hillary Kwiatek.

2. Audio-only format decreases bias

Have you ever gathered with your team only to discover there are some who speak to one another more than others? They tend to seemingly speak one-on-one in meetings leaving several other team members out of the conversation. In other words, they dominate the meeting. As humans, we naturally tend to gravitate to those we like the most, whether intentional or unintentional. In-person and zoom meetings leave room for distractions from non-verbal queues to appearance. DEI in the workplace requires a multifaceted approach. Corporate podcasts decrease benevolent and unintended biases, as well as decrease the malevolent or discriminatory biases. Podcasts allow for us to become better listeners and establish a culture of verbal equity. Decreasing bias bolters company culture and creates new relationships. 

  • “We show that when interacting partners have audio cues only, the lack of video does not hinder them from communicating these rules but instead helps them to regulate their conversation more smoothly by engaging in more equal exchange of turns and by establishing improved prosodic synchrony. Previous research has focused largely on synchrony regulated by visual cues, such as studies showing that synchrony in facial expressions improves cohesion in collocated teams” (Physiology & Behavior).

3. Internal podcasting promotes psychological safety

Anxiety, panic attacks, and lack of confidence can hinder our ability to speak when all eyes are on us. Zoom and in-person meetings can produce visual distractions and unconscious bias. In audio-only mediums, like podcasting, employees feel psychologically safe from those hindrances. Research shows that eliminating visual distractions and nonverbal cues can help. When we turn off the camera and rely only on audio cues, the conversation flows and improves cohesion in meetings. The ability to identify others’ emotional states by simply listening is a powerful tool that few of us fully access as leaders. Internal podcasting allows us to create that safe space and prioritization of listening. 

The added benefit of internal podcasting in regards to reducing stress levels, is the ability of the listener to move while listening. Movement and exercise is important to manage and reduce stress levels, thus assisting in the prevention of or mitigation of anxiety and depression. Podcasting reduces stress levels, creates psychological safety, and improves your team’s overall happiness.

While podcasting as an audio-only format can remove unconscious bias, it can also highlight diverse voices (as we touched on in points one and two). 

When companies weave psychological safety and DEI together, employees feel safe to bring their whole selves to work. Having a diverse workforce improves productivity, innovation, creativity, and saves organizations money (Nathan & Lee, 2015). 

According to researchers from the University of Iceland, when supervisors actively listened to their employees, employees reported higher dedication and vigor. This correlated to an increase in reciprocal communication, more psychological safety throughout the organization and improved physical and mental health. Taken further, this indicates that when leaders establish an environment where everyone’s voice is heard and people engage in thoughtful participation, we create a climate where we can maximize strengths, address weaknesses and curb burnout. 

Valuing diversity leads to psychological safety within organizations, fostering more positive, open-minded, creative, and better-performing employees.

Corporate internal podcasts can increase team-cohesion, creativity, and productivity by championing diversity, equity, and inclusion. The audio-only format of podcasts removes distractions and bias, creates a stress-reduced space for everyone, and provides an efficient method to highlight diverse voices to your entire organization. Click here to learn more about how to use podcasting to promote DEI in your workplace.