Podcast interview from The Entrepreneur Way where we talked about how you can expand your audience, influence and increase your income(Podcast on The Entrepreneur Way, Mar 28, 2018)
Tina Dietz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, podcast producer, audiobook publisher, and creative business expert who has been featured on ABC, Inc.com, Huffington Post and Forbes. Her podcast, The StartSomething Show, was named by Inc magazine as one of the top 35 podcasts for entrepreneurs, and her company, StartSomething Creative Business Solutions, connects experts, authors, and entrepreneurs all around the world with their ideal audiences through podcasting, audiobooks, and thought leadership marketing. Tina splits her time between the US and Costa Rica where she’s part of a team building a community of entrepreneurs and conscious leaders.
Entrepreneurial Role Models:
When business started difficulties overcame:
“Surrendering to the fact that I was an entrepreneur. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the godfather movies but it was in the godfather 3, the least interesting of all the movies, Al Pacino has this moment where he goes they keep bringing me back, and that is what it felt like to me becoming an entrepreneur, I really resisted it for a long time” …[Listen for More]
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”
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Best Advice to Other Entrepreneurs:
“Engage your curiosity. Curiosity will get you through a lot. We get so fixed sometimes on how something looks or how something should be or we worry about if something is going to turn out a certain way, what other people are going to think about us it goes on and on and on. Whatever circumstance that you’re in if you can shift from whatever state of being you’re in that has you feeling diminished or concerned or angry or upset or any of those states of being, if you can shift yourself into curiosity then that is a bridge to be much more positive and making decisions from a place that’s not based in fear or anger”…[Listen for More]
“Adult life is dealing with an enormous amount of questions that don’t have answers. So I let the mystery settle into my music. I don’t deny anything, I don’t advocate anything, I just live with it.” Bruce Springsteen
Other Quotes From the Chat with Tina Dietz:
“I don’t know if there are secrets, there’s just stuff you haven’t learned yet”
“Setting ideas aside, I don’t have to act on all the ideas”
“It’s a little bit like the matrix, are you going to take the blue pill or the red pill because if you take that blue pill you’re going to go down a road that you’re going to follow for some time”
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