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Author: Robin Thompson

Entrepreneur, Thought Leader, Influencer [Podcast]

​There’s something to be said for studying the habits and processes of great writers and artists and how they kept their creative juices flowing over time.(Podcast on Writer On The Road, November 6, 2016)

Audio Narration Thought Leader - Tina Dietz & Melinda Hammond

There’s a lot of burnout happening in the field of writing right now, especially among Indie authors trying to manage both their writing and their business. Tina is a mentor and coach, and she’s my kind of crazy. With a focus on values as well as mental, emotional and spiritual well being, Tina guides us to be the best we can be. She’s also damned funny at times. We chat about being in the writing game for the long haul and how it’s got to be about pacing ourselves as our energies change as we grow and mature as writers. Self-care is at the top of the list, being flexible with our schedules and putting thought into those high priority creative endeavours to actually get the work done. We chat about how 80% of our results come from 20% of our efforts – it’s Tina’s job to help us focus on the 20% – and how the transitions in our lives open us up to new potentialities. And we just wouldn’t be creatives if we didn’t delve, just a little, in the fear factor that has derailed every one of us at some time or another. You can find out more about Tina and her work here.

Reinventing Audio Marketing [Podcast]

​At only 2 years old, Tina Dietz was already interviewing people on her tape recorder. She STILL has that tape and has never put the microphone down.(Podcast on Reinvention Radio, September 22, 2016)

audio marketing - Tina Dietz & Reinvention Radio At only 2 years old, Tina Dietz was already interviewing people on her tape recorder. She STILL has that tape and has never put the microphone down. Born to entrepreneurial parents, she started answering their business phones at 4 and was going to trade shows by 6.Now she is an internationally acclaimed business coach, speaker, dedicated audiobook publisher and podcasting mentor. As a therapist (with an MS in Counseling and Educational Development), early in her career while working in the public school system that dealing with bureaucracy was not her thing. She has a “students-come-first” approach, which grew into something new as she worked with a grassroots group and developed two teen leadership centers. She showed kids how to make ideas a reality. Many of those seeds that were planted still live in her programs and her approach to coaching to this day. She developed transitional training programs for colleges and some of the nation’s largest utility providers, as well as serving as the co-founder and Director of Business Development for the Nayada Institute of Massage. Tina is also a bestselling author and has been featured on Million Dollar Mindset, ReLaunch, ABC, Massage Today, Money for Lunch and Tropical Entrepreneur, to name a few. She has worked with and provided small business help in more than 20+ industries and 6 countries (and counting) around the world, watching them grow and transform. TUNE IN to this episode to hear Tina chat with Steve and Mary about audio marketing and how to take advantage of the booming audiobook trend.

In This Episode

  • Spanish & Italian; The Audio Extravaganza; They Put A Mic In Her Hands At 2 Years Old; 1.5 Million More AudioBooks Than Ebooks Consumed In 2015
  • 3 Ways To Create An Audiobook; No Book, No Audiobook; Time & Costs Of Producing An Audiobook; Steve’s New Book
  • Skype – Pants Optional; Best Call To Action For An Audiobook; Wade’s Mic Drop; Podcasting Isn’t Being Throttled The Way Other Media Are


“Smartphones are the radio of today.” Resources Mentioned

Do You Sound Like A Leader?

You might be hurting your credibility as a leader every time you open your mouth, and it’s not what you’re saying. It’s your voice.

Originally published on ForbesLike A Leader A study in affiliation with Duke University analyzed 792 male CEO voices and found that a deeper voice was advantageous in positions of leadership. Results indicated that CEOs with lower voices had longer tenure, led larger companies, and made more money — to the tune of $180K+ per year. This research poses a bit of a conundrum. What if you don’t have a low voice? Does that mean you’re doomed not to rise in the ranks of leadership? Fortunately, there are a number of other factors in the vocal realm that contribute to your credibility as a leader, and these factors are far more controllable than how deep your voice is. Another study conducted at Gonzaga University revealed that a variety of vocal factors influence whether a speaker is perceived as trustworthy — and therefore credible. Regardless of the pitch and tone of your natural voice, these important factors can be controlled and practiced: Articulation (clear pronunciation of words). An articulated vocal performance reflects a thoughtful representation of the speaker’s inner conviction, and thus leads to the perception of a more educated and credible speaker. Articulation can be improved by repeating difficult words until one can say them correctly; slowing down your speech can also make articulation easier. Beware, however — over-articulation can produce a less than normal speaking tone and therefore reduce credibility. Fluidity (flow of your message). The more fluidity with which one speaks — that is, the more you don’t have to reach for your words — the more expert and confident you are perceived, engendering trust. This takes us back to the dreaded “ums” and “ahs” we work to eliminate in public speaking scenarios, podcasting and audiobooks. Rather than filling the air in a conversation or meeting with such “thinking noises” or hedges (“sort of” or “kind of”), be intentional and transparent regarding your thinking process. If posed a question, pause and make eye contact with your listeners and take a moment to answer their question with, “let me think about that for a moment.” Doing so indicates that you’re taking their question seriously and giving it your full attention. Tempo (speed at which you speak). This vocal cue is closely tied to gaining and maintaining the attention of the listener. No one likes to hear a boring, slow delivery; monotone presentations tend to put people to sleep or move them to distraction. Keep energy and interest alive in your voice when speaking and your listeners will remain more engaged. On the other hand, speakers who speak too fast can end up slurring their words, affecting the articulation and clarity of their message. A speaker’s “normal” rate of delivery has been found to rank the highest in perception of credibility. In other words, it’s important to “be yourself” when communicating. Note that both tempo and fluidity can be improved by bringing increased attention to your breath. Make sure that you’re actually breathing as you speak, and not inadvertently holding your breath. Sonority (pleasantness of one’s voice). Several factors can contribute to sonority, but one controllable, contemporary factor is known as “vocal fry” and refers to the low, vibratory sound occurring particularly in women at the end of spoken sentences. A study published in 2010 analyzed 800 male and female participants who spoke with vocal fry, or “creaky voice,” and found them to be less desirable job candidates compared with those speaking in a normal tone. Take note and eliminate this vocal trend before it spreads any further. Please. Another common vocal pattern that deeply impacts credibility but is one of the simplest to identify and address is “uptalking” the end of sentences. Uptalk sounds like you’re making everything a question? As if you’re not sure what you’re saying? And that makes what you say hard to trust? Focus on making your statements more declarative. Do all of these factors leave you feeling overwhelmed about perfecting your vocal delivery? Don’t sweat it if you can’t change them all — not everyone was born with a deep or pleasant voice. Of all of the aforementioned influencing factors, articulation was found to be the most important — so if you have a big impending speech, start by practicing using clear and careful pronunciation. Through external feedback, objective coaching, and diligent practice, you can become a better communicator and perhaps even a bigger earner.

Tina Dietz – Walking Your Talk [Podcast]

​Episode from the Copy Chief where I was a guest. We talked about the truth about marketing and how to walk your talk. Tune in(Podcast on Copy Chief, April 3, 2016)

Walking your talk - Tina Dietz & Copy Chief

In This Episode

(2:30) How to choose the fitting social media app without tediously testing every shiny new platform. (3:20) Tina’s first words out of the womb and how she consistently grows her audience – even with subpar copy. (5:00) The unusual VA task for creating new ideas. Kevin shares his technique to turn a single interview into weeks of future content… A strategy that may lead to your next premium offering. (9:00) “You might be an Internet Marketing Idiot if”…. you have any of these tell-tale signs of “shenanigans” or “general jackassery”. Learn why creative people don’t wear dumb “pants”. (13:05) Tina’s conclusive 2-minute walkthrough of “blab”… and why it’s the #1 choice for mature marketers who want to put Periscope’s “video selfie… millennial-vibe” to rest. (19:10) How to write “quick-sloppy-copy” for a 2-minute VSL that converts enough to “earn your entire salary in one go”. (23:00) Why you’ll want to “decrease your client conversion” using Tina’s “Nightclub Bouncer Tactic”. (25:50) Tina reveals the real trigger for her clients that moves them to double their income AND double their free time in 12 months or less. (26:20) Why your preferred coach/client won’t willingly work you through your toughest challenges so you can reach lasting results… (28:25) Tina’s ONE profound tip to avoid “bed-ridden burnout” and “success sabotage” even if you’re 10+ years into your business and think you figured it all out already. Bullets written by Max Rouzier. You can reach Max at Resources Mentioned Tina Dietz’s Site The Truth About Marketing podcast is produced by The Podcast Factory

Tina Dietz: The StartSomething Show [Podcast]

​StartSomething is all about fulfilling a mission to ignite 10,000 thriving businesses.(Podcast on Journey To Success Radio, August, 2015)

StartSomething - Tina Dietz & Journey To Success Radio

StartSomething is all about fulfilling a mission to ignite 10,000 thriving businesses. We’re creating a world where small business owners have awesome lives and are paying it forward. A world where the old adage that “you can do what you love and make a great living!” is the rule, not the exception. A world where your ideas come to life and you are supported every step of the way.

StartSomething provides both resources and inspiration for small business. Listen in to the StartSomething Show, become part of our tribe of SuperStarters, and get what you need to live the life and leave the legacy you've always wanted.

The StartSomething Show

Interested in learning more about podcasting?

4 Powerful Words to Grow Your Business Now

I want to share with you four little words to grow your business, get referrals, more clients, and create unlimited resources for your business and your life.

Words to Grow Your Business - Tina Dietz Today I want to share with you a short “how to” video: How to grow your business with celebration and contribution. And you don’t even have to talk to strangers.It all starts with four little words that are incredibly powerful. These four words have been used by my clients to do amazing things like double their clients in six months! Check it out, then try it out, and let me know what you think. Want to learn more about our coaching services?

Giving A Thriving Voice To Your Business With Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​In episode #81 of You Leading You, Tina Dietz, 4th generation entrepreneur, therapist, business development professional and “The Voice Of 10,000 Thriving Businesses” pulls up a chair from her dream home in Costa Rica to talk about her journey. (Podcast on You Leading You, February 21, 2015)

Your Business - Tina Dietz & Sean Ackerman You Leading You

From growing up with an entrepreneurial father, to today creating her own business, and being the driving force behind new individuals on their own path to self success!

Today Tina shares:

  • How Being Raised In An Entrepreneur’s World Made A Huge Impact!
  • Why Leadership Programs Were The Seeds For Her Success Today!
  • The Story Of 10,000 Thriving Businesses!
  • How The Power Of Transition And Change Made All The Difference!
  • How Failure Is Transformational!

Tina pushes herself to her You Leading You Moment by:

Always expanding her capacity and stretching herself outside of her comfort zone. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable, remember mom always said, “they can’t eat you”. The human resiliency is tremendous as Tina shares the story from Malcolm Gladwell’s, David and Goliath of The Blitz in London during WW2. The courage we develop comes from stepping into the fire, getting a little burnt, but surviving and stepping out the other side, stronger for the experience.

Reach Tina at:

Website | Show | Twitter

Reflections on Childhood Bullying – Unwavering Strength: Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​What could have been delightful and innocent second-grade days, were filled with misunderstandings, fear, and pain. She didn't know why she was singled out as a target in her elementary school class, but it was glaring reality to her, that she was.(Podcast on ReLaunch – NEVER GIVE UP on Your Possibilities, October 8, 2014)

Childhood Bullying - Tina Dietz & Joel Boggess

Nicknamed “Chubbles” by her classmates, recess turned into a game of avoidance and how to remain invisible. International bestselling coauthor to a wonderfully empowering book, Unwavering Strength and the handy solution-guide, Solve Any Problem in 10 Minutes, Tina Dietz shares how she was able to cope and heal, and offers advice for parents on how to deal with bullying.

Follow Tina on Twitter, Facebook, Google-Plus, and visit her site.

Tina's Backstory

She enrolled in therapy when she was just a teenager. Coming from a long line of business-running trend-setters and go-getters, she knew that the challenges and problems she faced as a child, could be faced, confronted, and resolved. While her journey was in no way easy, breezy, or tearless, like the 4th generation entrepreneur she is, she was fearless in pursuit of resolution and restoration.

As an adult and mom, she was tested again. When the doctors told her she may lose her ability to walk, the emotional signal flares shot off in her spirit like canons – doubt, worry, guilt, shame, confusion, they were all there. Aware of the news, but praying for the best this time around, she knew what was needed and the actions to take. To do good by her family and for herself, she needed to make quick shifts in her life and lifestyle. She needed entrepreneurial mobility, flexibility, and high income possibilities. In her own words – “I never had any intention of owning a business when I grew up! But, as I found myself going through college and graduate school, I was asked to take on a lot of leadership roles, and to develop and run projects. I discovered that I loved the process of building something from nothing, so that’s what I did!”

Want more Tina? Most folks do. Hear our first show.

Doctor’s Prognosis and a Mom Entrepreneur’s Remedy – Tina Dietz [Podcast]

​When the doctor begins the conversation with, “This might be the worse I've seen…” you have a pretty good idea that the discussion is headed downhill.(Podcast on ReLaunch – NEVER GIVE UP on Your Possibilities, July 15, 2014)

mom entrepreneur's - Tina Dietz & Joel Boggess Relaunch

When the doctor begins the conversation with, “This might be the worse I've seen…” you have a pretty good idea that the discussion is headed downhill. He told her she may never walk again. Obviously, that triggered a variety of signal-flare emotions for the fourth generation entrepreneur- fear, doubt, worry, guilt, shame, and confusion, signaling she needed to make deliberate shifts and adjustments to her life and lifestyle. She needed mobility, flexibility, and high income possibilities. On the show, international speaker, entrepreneur coach, and author of Solve Any Problem in 10 Minutes, Tina Dietz shares how she was able to get back her confidence, raise her fees, and develop what she calls an “oasis-based business” – code for business at the beach.

A self-limiting belief she had to come to terms with

Most of us don’t think we are good enough.

A common entrepreneurial mistake

Taking too long to make a decision. 

Get Tina's free downloadable eBook – Solve any Problem in 10 Minutes

Two A-HA! moments she talks about on the show

  • “I have taken myself for granted and been hard on myself”;
  • Business people, especially women, don't charge what they're worth.

Solid entrepreneurial tips and ideas

  • Learn to let go;
  • Learn how to receive well;
  • Visualize your best day;
  • Get a mentor. 

Follow Tina on Twitter, Facebook, and visit her site.

Tina Dietz Shares How To Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur [Podcast]

Tina Dietz is the owner of Start Something Creative Business Solutions, which is out to fulfill the mission of igniting 10,000 thriving businesses. She has been featured on ABC, on, in national magazines such as Massage & Bodywork, and around the radio dial.(Podcast on Success Hackers, January, 2014)

Lifestyle Entrepreneur - Tina Dietz & Scott Hansen

Passion Play:

Working hard to help ignite 10 000 thriving businesses. I believe that it can be achieved by unlocking the unlimited creativity and imagination of the entrepreneurs.

Fail Forward:

After several months of work with a marketing agency and investing a lot of money on our new platform, a problem between me and my business partner popped up. He was constantly failing to keep his promises and I had to end our partnership and friendship with him. It was a difficult decision.

Success Hack:

Create a five-year strategic vision plan based on your entire lifestyle.

Randomness Round:

What is your hidden talent: I am a musical theater person and cannot resist karaoke.


Business Book I would Recommend: “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield