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Author: Robin Thompson

How to Simply Eliminate Stress And Anxiety For Entrepreneurs – GuruNanda – S2Ep09

Eliminate Stress And Anxiety - Tina Dietz & GuruNanda

Eliminate Stress And Anxiety w/ GuruNanda

Stress and anxiety are nearly ever-present spectres for most entrepreneurs, since we tend to be “Type A” personalities. VERY successful entrepreneur-turned-yogi, GuruNanda, joins us in this Backstage Pass to show us you how to go from distress to de-stress with super simple techniques and break through the #1 money issue that holds service and heart-centered entrepreneurs back from the success they desire. This is an episode you can really relax into!

GuruNanda is the author of GuruNanda’s “Happy Breath Yoga: Wall Street Yoga.” His business accomplishments include the successful oral care brand, Dr. Fresh, which earned him the 2011’s Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and an active position with the Young Presidents Organization.

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • What skills and/or principles GuruNanda found helpful to create a successful brand
  • How to leverage your skills into your brand, scale your business and serve people
  • The importance of going to ‘source’
  • Techniques to go from stressed to clarity and relaxation right now
  • How to overcome your concern about accepting money when you’re serving others
  • What kind of impact the practice of Yoga had on GuruNanda’s business practices
  • How meditation helps the thought process
  • GuruNanda’s action steps to help you StartSomething this week
  • The importance of finding a need that is unmet for success in business
  • GuruNanda’s legacy for the world.

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

How to Stop Overthinking Social Media – Elaine Lindsay – S2Ep08

Stop Overthinking Social - Tina Dietz & Elaine Lindsay

Stop Overthinking Social Media w/ Elaine Lindsay

Social media is crucial nowadays, but i know many of us struggle with it. Elaine Lindsay, founder of TROOL Social Media, social media consultant, Google+ Evangelist and speaker, shares with us her immense expertise on the subject and makes it easier for you to successfully tackle your social media. Remember, consistency is the keyword in Social Media.

Elaine is an early adopter of new technologies and has been a featured authority in two #1 best sellers, “Social Media Myths BUSTED” and “Solving the Social Media Puzzle.” Elaine is also the host of Business Banter Plus TV and regularly appears as guest expert on a number of media outlets, such as CTV Ottawa and The Learning Curve Podcast, in Dubai.

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How small business owners and entrepreneurs are screwing up their social media and where we need to check ourselves
  • The importance of consistency throughout all social media platforms
  • Social media and time management
  • Why you should have an editorial calendar
  • How to build relationships on social media
  • More social, less media
  • The importance of engaging on social media
  • Why Social Media is more about networking and relationship building
  • How to make the most of Google Hangouts even on its worst days
  • Google+ uses
  • The great connection between Google+ and YouTube
  • How to start on Social Media if you’re facing a technology gap
  • Apps you can use on Google+
  • How by being fun you can get your prospects and clients to drop their guard
  • How to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to social media
  • Why you should have Google alerts to let you know when someone you follow is posting
  • How hashtags build a following
  • Elaine’s action steps to help you StartSomething this week
  • Elaine’s legacy for the world.

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

Find the One Thing You Were Born to Do – Steve Olsher – S2Ep07

the One Thing You Were Born to Do

The One Thing You Were Born to Do w/ Steve Olsher

Steve Olsher has been an internet entrepreneur since the days of dial-up, having founded multiple businesses including the infamous He is the NY Times Bestselling author of “What is Your What: Discover the One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do.” His book “Internet Prophets: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How To Profit Online” was named the business technology book of the year. He has appeared on CNN, Fox Business and other national outlets.

Steve is known worldwide for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on their “What.” His practical no-holds-barred approach to life and business propels his clients towards achieving massive profitability while also cultivating a life of purpose, conviction, and contribution.

In September of 2017, Steve is hosting the first ever New Media Summit in San Diego for leaders, entrepreneurs, and authors who want to master ‘new media’ and fill their media calendars for an entire year at the same time. I’m happy to say that I’ll be speaking at this event as well as and booking guests for my shows. Attendance is application only – join us!

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • Is college the worst investment you can make?
  • How college created a social experiment
  • Steve’s methodology to figure out your “What”
  • Steve’s talks 25 years of internet marketing and internet sales
  •  The importance of staying on top of trends
  • Groups that specialize in ‘future casting’
  • How as a small business owner you can stay on trend and promote your business
  • How to find your best business opportunities
  • Resources that will keep you on trend
  • Upcoming Internet trends – Steve’s predictions
  • What’s the “Do It For Me” revolution
  • Steve’s action steps to help you StartSomething this week
  • Steve’s legacy for the world

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

Become The Highly Influential Person You Aspire to Be – Teresa de Grosbois – S2Ep06

ecome The Highly Influencer You Aspire to Be - Business leadership

Become Highly Influential w/ Teresa de Grosbois

Teresa de Grosbois is all about teaching you how to become more influential, so that you can have a bigger impact with your message. Being an influencer means building relationships, lifting up others and creating cycles of reciprocity, rather than scorekeeping, boasting, or making others look small so you can be feel more important.

Teresa is an international speaker and multi-bestselling author sought by entrepreneurs and large corporations as an expert in the topics of influence and success. Teresa has a proven track record in understanding word-of-mouth epidemic: not only has she taken four books to best-seller status, but the first 3 bestsellers she created in just 8 months.

Besides her work as a speaker, author, and trainer, Teresa is also the chair of the Evolutionary Business Council, where she leads an international, invitation-only, council of speakers and influencers dedicated to teaching the principles of success.

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to become more influential
  • How to avoid the mistakes often made while you’re on this path
  • The importance of influence
  • How influence translates to all kinds of abundance for your business
  • The one thing those who achieve great influencer success know that others don’t
  • Why building relationships isn’t instant
  • What are cycles of reciprocity
  • Which habits you cultivate should to become more influential
  • What’s Teresa’s definition of being truly authentic
  • The importance of having a matching inside and outside voice
  • How to find, define and focus on that great thing that is of value to others
  • Why the biggest challenges you’ve overcome over time matter to be a highly influencer
  • Why your vision may be too small
  • The biggest mistakes people make when trying to become influencer
  • About Teresa’s latest book, “Mass Influence: The Habits of the Highly Influential”
  • Teresa’s advice to help you StartSomething this week
  • The 30 Day Influence Challenge
  • Practical ways you can start using today to start sharing influence
  • Teresa’s legacy

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

5 Strategies to Master Profitable Business Relationships

Because relationships are the heart and soul of business, I've gleaned five powerful strategies to master Profitable Business Relationships.

Profitable Business Relationships I think one of the best compliments I ever received was, “Geez, you’re like Tim Ferriss and my Italian Grandmother had a love child!” You’re welcome for the mental image, by the way. In this case, the “Italian Grandmother” part of the equation refers to my unabashed enthusiasm for bringing people together and extolling their many talents and virtues to each other. I adore connecting wonderful people to each other and watching the collaborations, opportunities, and new ideas that happen as a result of those connections blossom. Relationships are the heart and soul of business, that pumping lifeblood that keeps us all growing. So in concert with my character, and my commitment to bring together amazing people and resources, I’ve gleaned five powerful strategies for you to use-regardless of the type of business you’re in-from brilliant entrepreneurs I admire along with one of my very own habits for spinning relationship gold. 1. Spin a Web of Warm Introductions Authors interested in having their books turned into audiobooks often send me copies of their work for review. Regardless if we work together, I make a point of introducing them to someone in my network who would be a wonderful connection for them, and vice versa. Not only does this delight everyone involved, it keeps my services as an audiobook and podcast producer top of mind. How do you easily create a “warm email introduction” effectively? One quick and easy method is to go to your colleague’s LinkedIn or “About” page and use the first couple of sentences as your email copy. Here’s an example of a warm introduction email I just recently sent to give you an idea, along with an example of the copy that I give my referral partners so they can easily introduce me to the people in their circles as well. 2. Make Sure Everyone Wins As the host of an annual virtual summit, Bailey Richert suggests building business relationships is about creating projects and partnerships where everyone involved wins. “No one wants to feel like they’re being invited to the party purely for what assets they can bring to the table. They also want to walk away having benefited in a concrete way,” she says. Bailey states one of her biggest relationship-building tips when working on her summit is to email every speaker individually. Mass emails, while faster, do not make your partners feel valued. Instead, they can work against you, making partners feel like they’re being leveraged. Instead, personalized emails let partners know you are concerned with their success and overall satisfaction with the project being conducted. 3. Take Time to Authentically Spread the Love Intuitive business coach, Rebecca Liston suggests that using social media isn’t about lead generation but about deepening the relationships with people we already know. “Mastering business relationships is all supporting one another to shine because we simply want the best for one another.” Rebecca says that you can easily do this by commenting on the posts of people you know and sharing their information freely and genuinely. I do this because I want to, because I care about them, and because I want them to shine. Each week I “Spread the Love” about a colleague that I adore, and respect. I write a personal note about who they are to me, and why I think the world of them, and why I think that the world ought to know them 4. Show Up (for Real) “One of the biggest things I’ve learned this year is to show up,” says Stella Orange, a marketing teacher. Orange draws inspiration from her days as a playwright, who regularly attended friends’ performances and openings. “Nothing says ‘I care about you’ like showing up for an event,” she says. If you can’t get there in person, she says send a card or flowers. One of Orange’s best tips is to nurture personal relationships over time. Check in with colleagues and promotional partners periodically, to stay current and connected. Keep track of what you talked about, and carve out time each week to cultivate relationships colleague relationships. Those conversations build rapport and trust over time, and lead to the most fruitful, organic and rich collaborations. 5. Reach Out With Genuine Interest “Not dropping the ball on follow up has been huge,” says Sarah Dew, a marketing strategist. It’s easy to have an initial conversation with a potential partner but to in order to grow and nurture that relationship you have to have authentic connections through out the year.  Sarah’s best tip is to make sure you check in with your colleagues and partners frequently and regularly. Always approach every interaction thinking, what can I do for them? Is there some way I can make their lives easier or brighten their day? Consistently following up and staying connected will quickly turn your partners and colleagues into close friends, who will have your back when you need it.  What are some of your favorite ways to build business relationships?

Marketing for Professionals Who Hate Marketing – Terri Levine – S2Ep5

Marketing for Professionals

Marketing for Professionals Who Hate Marketing w/ Terri Levine

Your brilliance doesn’t have to be in marketing and sales. Your brilliance is your expertise. BUT, what do you do when you can’t stand selling and marketing? Here’s how you can become influential and successful even when you’re not good at marketing and sales.

Business and executive mentoring expert Terri Levine joins us on the show to discuss how to use the talents and expertise you DO have to nurture and grow a spectacular clientele.

Terri assists businesses all over the globe with their business growth, sales and marketing. She has over 30 years of business experience, encompassing work with more than 5,000 business owners and entrepreneurs. She is also a best-selling author and keynote speaker.Terri’s most recent venture is her Rapid ROI Model, which combines her passion for helping businesses to grow with her own personal experience gained while building multiple successful business from the ground up.

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • How to become comfortable and effective promoting yourself and your business
  • Your choices if you can’t bring yourself to sale or promote your business
  • What’s reverse marketing?
  • The Rapid ROI Model
  • Getting to know your ideal focused audience
  • How to define your core unique positioning statement
  • How to integrate your core unique positioning statement
  • Data based marketing and how is it the most overlooked marketing asset
  • Why you have to stop hunting for customers
  • Creating strategic marketing alliances
  • The importance of referrals and rewarding those who support you
  • How much can you increase your revenue when you put these four steps together
  • Terri’s advice on leveraging your time, talent and expertise
  • Finding your right team
  • Creating team based results
  • Terri’s recommended action steps for you to take this week to get more clients
  • Terri’s legacy.

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

Balance Business and Family with The Power of Focus – Les Hewitt – S2Ep04

Balance Business and Family

Balance Business and Family with The Power of Focus w/ Les Hewitt

Even if you’re highly dedicated to your business, you need to find time for you and for your family. Easier said than done, right? My guest Les Hewitt today shares with you some of the lessons he has learned about being a successful entrepreneur, having a beautiful, close family and having it all. In this episode, Les will teach you the the fundamentals of creating focus.

Les Hewitt is known as The Focus Coach by his peers and his clients and it’s the founder of the Power of Focus Coaching program, a unique focusing system for business leaders who want bigger profits, less stress and more time off. Les has worked with more than 300 companies in Canada, United States, Australia, Singapore, the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Les is also the number one New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Focus, which has sold more than 825,000 copies in North America and is available in 21 languages. There are currently 6 books in the series. Les’s work is all about how the power of focus can help you hit your business, personal and financial targets with confidence and certainty.

If you’re an entrepreneur with a family, this is episode is for you!

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • The 64 million dollar question (and answer!) about having a beautiful family AND a successful business
  • Creating win-win in a marriage – it’s not what you think
  • What’s underneath those moments when you’re not happy in life
  • The surprising result of taking time off from your business
  • The basic fundamentals of creating focus
  • How relationships play a crucial part in creating focus
  • The importance of your habits and choices when creating focus
  • How to change everything with just a few simple shifts in habit
  • 5 powerful business fundamentals
  • Why you need to change one habit at a time and keep with it for as long as it takes
  • Les’ recommendation for your morning routine
  • The importance of purpose throughout your life
  • How you can make the most of your second fifty
  • Les’ legacy for the world
  • Les’ action steps – recommendations for you to act on the next 48-hours.

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

How to Find the Right Mentor and Unlock Your True Potential – Dr. John Demartini – S2Ep3

Find the Right Mentor

Find the Right Mentor and Unlock Your True Potential w/ Dr. John Demartini

Dr. John Demartini, one of the world’s leading authorities on human behavior and personal development, shares his wisdom and knowledge on what you to do to ensure you find the right mentor to you. And this knowledge, combined with the Demartini Method, is sure to unlock and allow you to achieve your full potential.

Dr. Demartini is the founder of the Demartini Institute, a private research and education organization with a curriculum of over 72 different courses covering multiple aspects of human development.

Dr. Demartini travels 360 days a year to countries all over the globe, sharing his research and findings in all markets and sectors. He is the author of 40 books published in over 29 different languages. He has produced over 60 CDs and DVDs covering subjects such as development in relationships, wealth, education and business.

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • The importance of “pivotal moments”
  • How to not to let other people’s opinions dictate your destiny
  • Mentors: Find ones who align to who you are, identify what they do that is extraordinary, come at it as a collaborative work not subordination
  • Make a list of people who inspire you, read their bios, their works, and learn their most and least favorable traits. Own the traits, both good and bad
  • Recognizing and awakening your inner genius
  • Scanning for gratitude in your day – finding the thank you
  • How to visualize what message you want to bring to the Earth day-to-day
  • Creating a global vision that directs your daily action
  • How to deal with other’s opinions, being original in the face of tradition and norms. Being bold in the face of traditional thought
  • Aligning values is basic to our nature. Humans are purposeful and driven. Self-worth increases as we live in alignment with our highest values
  • Finding values, structuring time and action around those values and delegate what does not support those values directly. Living prioritized lives will energize you
  • Food and water: Eat to live
  • Feeding your mind with inspiration.

Featured on the Show:

StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

Change Your Happiness Set Point – Marci Shimoff – S2Ep2

Exercise That Will Change Your Life Marci-Shimoff

Simple Exercise That Will Change Your Life w/ Marci Shimoff

Would you believe me if I told you that you were biologically wired to have a ‘happiness set point?’ NYT #1 bestselling author and world-renowned transformational teacher and and happiness expert Marci Shimoff is back to discuss if and how we really can change how happy we are, and give you the simplest exercise that will change your life. It’s definitely changed mine.

Research shows that happy people make more money, have better health, and have happier children, so being happy is a more important topic than you might think!

Learn what is and how you can change your happiness set point, how you can “Build Your Inner House For Happiness” and see your happiness go through the roof.

Marci is a New York Times #1 bestselling author: “Love for No Reason,” “Happy for No Reason,” and 6 titles in the phenomenally-successful “Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul” series. Her books have sold over 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, have topped all bestseller lists and have been on the New York Times Bestseller list for a total of 118 weeks. Marci is one of the best selling female non-fiction authors of all time.

Some folks are just born happy, but Marci wasn’t one of those people. At a very young age, she realized that she would have to fight for every ounce of happiness in her life. Marci dedicated her life to discovering and sharing exactly how people can become happier.

Get your notepad and change your ‘happiness set-point’ to experience more happiness in your life.

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • Human beings have a biological happiness set point
  • How is our happiness set point is determined
  • What some studies on Happy Genetics tell us
  • How your habits of thought and behavior can determine and boost your happiness
  • How can you raise your happiness set point
  • Is trying to be happy putting icing on a mud pie?
  • The 21 habits that will boost your happiness set point
  • What’s Marci’s analogy to “Building Your Inner Home For Happiness?”
  • The four pillar corners of your “inner home for happiness” and how they’re connected to your happiness set point
  • How your sleep influences your happiness
  • Who do you surround yourself with to help you be happier?
  • The universal things you can today to boost your happiness
  • The simplest, fastest, most elegant exercise to move you into the love response and change your happiness set point
  • Marci’s legacy for the world.

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz

Working With Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra and Diana Ross – Thomas Bähler – S2Ep1

To Get What You Want

The Right Questions to Ask to Get What You Want w/ Thomas Bähler

Thomas Bähler shares with us his extraordinary wisdom on how to live a life that fulfills you and is of service to others. Do you know what you want?

Develop the right actions and get more focus just by asking these deceptively simple questions, plus find out why you don't need to envy celebrities.

Incredible stories behind legendary musicians, and life lessons on success.

Thomas is an acclaimed American singer, composer, songwriter, arranger and producer. Throughout his career, Thomas has worked with amazing musicians such as Billy Joel, Barbra Streisand, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Frank Sinatra, Cher, just to name a few. He was a close associate of Quincy Jones, and he was an associate producer and arranger of “We are the World.” Thomas composed music for Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson, directors Steven Spielberg and Barry Levinson, magicians Siegfried and Roy, Super Bowl halftime shows and other high-profile stage productions. Mr. Bähler is also an accomplished author and has completed his first novel, “Anything is Possible”, and his latest book, “What You Want Wants You.”

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What You'll Learn From This Episode:

  • What does it mean “What You Want Wants You”
  • Why you do get what you want if it serves others
  • What’s Thomas approach on mentoring
  • What’s the first question Thomas asks to those looking to be mentored
  • Why the story you tell makes all the difference in your life
  • Everyone wants to be seen and gotten
  • Why you should always approach others from a place of service
  • What can we learn from some of the biggest stars ever
  • Why when creating something you should always think of the journey you’re in
  • What you should do when you feel stuck
  • Why Thomas trusts the Universe so much
  • Why it’s more important to focus on the “what” the the “how”
  • Thomas Bähler’s legacy.

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StartSomething-Show-Stitcher-SubscribeStartSomething-Show-subscribe-with-itunesGoogle-Play-Music-en-badge-webStartSomething Show Tina Dietz