Blog, Leadership, Personal Development, Productivity, Vocal Leadership
Reduce Stress by Taking An Emotional Velcro Vacation
We interrupt this Hot Girl Summer for an Emotional Velcro Vacation!
Thus far, 2024 has been characterized with the typical uncertainty we all experience during a presidential election year, regardless of politics. But add the extra seasoning of social and economic unrest, and that is one spicy meatball!
As a leader, do you feel like you’re carrying the weight of their world on your shoulders?
Need some quick ways to reduce stress without sacrificing productivity?
What is Emotional Velcro?
Simply, it’s the stress, anxiety, and emotional baggage you accumulate over time when interacting with other people.
It’s the “waxy buildup” of emotional residue that you often unconsciously adopt when leading teams, parent kids, partners, friends, and so on.
Taking Your Emotional Velcro Vacation
It’s time for some much-deserved relief and rejuvenation.
When you are stressed, ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this way?”
Are you carrying the emotions of someone else, even by accident? Figuring out the source of the emotional velcro can help bring about immediate relief or at least help you get to the next step.
First, talk with someone else like a coach, counselor or other trusted source. Or simply spend some time in reflection and analysis to discover the truth inside yourself or about the situation.
From there, it’s time to shift your mental state, which is a lot easier said than done. Find out more about how to apply all three of these steps in this article I wrote for Forbes about creating psychological safety in the workplace by freeing yourself of Emotional Velcro.
Vocal Techniques to Reduce Stress Immediately
For some quick relief or practice, here are two vocal techniques you can use right now: sigh and rant. It’s like the “bend and snap” of 2024.
A deep sigh triggers your parasympathetic nervous system and your body’s relaxation response. It’s easy to do, and you can do this anywhere – which is why it’s one of my favorite techniques.
And the “rant” in question here is actually much less long-winded than it sounds. When I say “rant” I’m talking about unleashing a single word, done in a specific way that also has fantastic benefits for your nervous system.
Read more about these 2 vocal techniques for immediate stress relief in another article I wrote for Forbes, so you can perfect them in no time.
Remember, taking care of your emotional well-being is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. So, take that first step today and start shedding the Emotional Velcro that’s holding you back. Your future self will thank you.
Additional Resources:
How to Free Yourself from Emotional Velcro And Create Psychological Safety In The Workplace
How To Reduce Your Stress Immediately With 2 Vocal Techniques
What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!
About Tina Dietz:
Tina Dietz is an award-winning and internationally acclaimed speaker, audiobook publisher, podcast producer, and vocal leadership expert whose work and shows have been featured on media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal and Chicago Tribune, Inc.com, and Forbes. She’s been named one of the top podcasters for entrepreneurs by INC.com, and Tina’s company, Twin Flames Studios, re-imagines thought leadership through podcasting and audiobooks for experts, executives, and founders.
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