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audiobook publishers

Two people talking into microphones and exploring podcasting services with Twin Flames Studios

Create a Podcast That Is Pure Magic ✨

Where Listeners Become Clients & Superfans
We offer a full array of podcasting services to get your voice out into the world and into the hearts and ears of the people who need you.

Featured Podcasts

  • Decision Dialogues podcast logo
  • The Upstream leader Podcast logo
  • The Wealth Cast Podcast logo
  • The Wealth Cast Podcast logo
  • Risk Playbook Podcast logo
  • NOW with Fiona Podcast logo
  • Kitces and Carl Podcast logo
  • The Unique CPA Podcast logo
  • The Wild West Real Estate Show logo
  • Talking Training With The Trades podcast logo
  • Weight Loss For Busy Physicians logo
  • Myra Wealth logo
  • Stay Wealthy Podcast logo
  • Financial Advisor Success Podcast logo

    Build a Magnetic Podcast

    Who do you listen to for hours on end without putting a word in edgewise? Mom, and maybe a best friend. We know that to keep your people listening, they need to connect to the subject matter and the human behind the voice. We’ve got the podcasting services to make you magnetic.







    your message.

    meaningful change.


    being fully seen.

    It’s not just a podcast.

    A woman using a megaphone and giant magnet to draw listeners in to illustrate podcasting services via Twin Flames Studios

    Your podcast is your opportunity to let your listeners get to know the big, vulnerable, real you.

    Fiona Dawson photo

    “As experienced filmmakers we're aware of the work that goes into editing audio. TFS did an outstanding job of crafting our interviews into entertaining and engaging podcast episodes. They also went the extra mile in directing our podcast trailer-intro-outro. We're extremely satisfied and highly recommend working with Twin Flames!”

    Fiona Dawson, host, NOW with Fiona

    “The Twin Flames team was a joy to work with. I was guided with a clear plan and expert tips for production and performance quality. Running the project is easy; coaching the human is not. They are pros at both.”

    Tammy Heermann, award-winning leadership expert, Author of Reframe Your Story
    Tammy Heermann photo
    A person dancing to audio in headphones connected to a giant smart phone device

    Top Podcasts Entertain Listeners

    Entertainment is #1 for podcasting. Even the most “serious” podcasters use storytelling to keep you hooked, connecting you to each beat in every story, and maybe even making you LOL once in a while.

    We harness your wit & wisdom through our podcasting services to create entertaining, thought-provoking audio that sparks meaningful conversation.

    Let’s activate the power of your voice.

    Your Podcasting Path

    Person holding number 1 in frame

    Meet With Us

    We want to meet you and hear your podcast idea. If it’s a good fit, we’ll dive right in, creating a unique audio content strategy that aligns with your messaging. We’ll conjure and concoct a content cocktail created to thrill and delight you and your listeners. You’re not too much for us, by the way.

    Dream Up Your Podcast

    Dare we say, this is the fun part? We’ll brainstorm until we drop, manifesting the podcast of your dreams into existence. This isn’t the time to be humble. Dream BIG, and see your podcast come to life.

    Person holding number 2 in frame
    Person holding number 3 in frame

    Make Your Podcast A Reality

    Together, we’ll turn your brand into a top podcast that hooks your target audience from the get-go. Our podcasting services cover development, production, distribution, marketing, and everything in between. Seriously, there’s nothing we can’t handle.

    Share Your Podcast With The World (AKA Marketing)

    This is the challenging (but worthwhile) part. We work with you to design a robust marketing strategy to attract the right listeners and keep them coming back for more that pairs beautifully with your company’s overall marketing goals and strengths. AND, we’ll also create the marketing assets – like social media posts, images, videos, and paid ads.

    Person holding number 4 in frame
    Person holding number 5 in frame

    Navigate All The Things In Podcast Land

    From landing high-profile guests to coming up with fresh new ideas for podcast episodes, we’ll train you in podcasting so you won’t feel like a lost lamb in the wild. These skills can be taught, and we’ll always be your cheerleaders on the sidelines.

    Imagine the profound privilege of being the voice in someone’s headphones.

    People dancing and celebrating around a giant pair of headphones