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Guest Blog Image with M. Shannon Hernandez's headshot. Reads, "How to Grow an Aligned Audience as a Thought Leader"

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How to Grow an Aligned Audience as a Thought Leader

By M. Shannon Hernandez, CEO/Founder of Joyful Business Revolution

Colorful hands raised on a pink background

If you're like most thought leaders, you've spent time developing a course or program that you were beyond excited to share with the world. It checked all the boxes:

  • It answered every question your ideal client might have. 
  • It solved a frustration or pain point your ideal client shared with you.
  • It aligned with your brand's core mission and values.

And you were SURE it would sell out in minutes.

…but when you announced your shiny new program or product…instead of sales, you heard the sound of crickets. OUCH. We have ALL been there.

Now, part of owning a business is taking risks. And while you can't eliminate every chance of disappointment that comes with running your business, you can lessen the risk of selling a whopping zero programs or products with a very simple (yet often ignored) tactic: testing your messaging. 

Instead of spending too much time thinking about creating a new offer or program…

Or spending months (or years) developing an entire suite of programs and offers…

…today, we are excited to share our tried-and-true method that will allow you to assess whether your idea is perceived as genuinely transformative to your audience – instead of just assuming that it will be.

Growing an aligned audience excited to learn from you requires cultivating a community eager to receive your wisdom, support, and guidance.

If you want to cultivate an aligned audience of humans who are excited about you and your business, you need to take a hard look at three key things:

  1. Your niche
  2. Your voice
  3. The Invitation

Once you master those three things, you'll find that selling your programs and products becomes more straightforward and practically effortless.

Know Your Niche

It's not enough to assume that you're “niched down” – you've got to go deep here because surface-level “knowing” is no longer enough.

While you can narrow your niche in many ways, you want to focus on the ways that will result in them being able to say, “OH, THAT IS ME,” followed by, “I BELONG HERE.”

And, no, targeting people based on their Netflix obsession or their passion for crocheting isn't going to work. You'll waste precious time focusing on these things.

Instead, please focus on the actions they would be taking before working with you.

Use Your Voice

Please note that this does not refer to your volume–and this is where using your Content Personality® makes a massive difference in the energy of how your message is received.

Person on stage in front of a large crowd with colorful lights

The internet is a loud place – and that's before we even take a peek at social media.

When we talk about using your voice, we're talking about communicating your mission-driven message using your Content Personality® so that your narrowed niche can hear you, get excited, and get on board with your solutions, values, and more.

That is how aligned community growth happens!

Invite Them to Join Your Community

You may have already discovered this, but it's not enough to “post and pray,” hoping your aligned audience will find you as if by magic.

Instead of just hoping, be tactical with your messaging – invite your audience to share your vision for a changed world. This type of “leaning in” allows others to see you as human and amplifies the need to spread your message.

Suppose you're determined to create a lasting impact on your business and spread your mission. In that case, you'll need to become highly committed to being visible (using your Content Personality®), so your aligned audience can get to know you and cultivate a relationship with you.

Growing an aligned audience is possible, but it takes time, dedication, and courage!

When you share your mission and services with your audience in a way that is genuinely aligned with all the parts that make you UNIQUE, you'll earn their trust and create invaluable relationships (which will make offering your fantastic, ground-breaking, life-changing programs and products much easier).

The thing about growing an engaged, aligned audience is that everyone you're connected to absorbs and processes your messaging at their own pace. 

This naturally means that some of your audience isn't ready to buy…yet. As a business owner, it's important to realize (and accept) that if someone doesn't invest with you today, that does not mean they won't be ready to invest with you later (maybe tomorrow or next week!).

Don't assume that someone not clicking the “buy” button means they don't want to work with you – they may need to grow your relationship first.

But wouldn't it be nice to know if, next time, introducing your brilliant idea makes sense for where the majority of your audience is right now?

(Yes, yes, it would.)

Take Action

If you're ready to make an impact and share your vision for change, take some time to review those three key things that can make or break your next offer.

Ask yourself:

  1. Your Niche: Am I niched down enough? Is the audience I'm speaking to engaging and interacting with me?
  2. Your Voice: Am I communicating effectively so that the people who read or listen to or watch my messaging understand my point of view, values, and mission? 
  3. The Invitation: Have you given the humans who follow your content time to get to know you and grow into a trusting relationship that will naturally lead to them investing in your program or product?

If you don't score perfectly across the board, that's normal (and expected). Review some of your more popular posts, videos, or emails and note how you highlighted your niche, used your voice, and invited your audience to take action.

If you don't have any posts that seem popular, take a broad overview of your messaging and identify areas where you need to improve for clarity and understanding. A great place to start is by learning your natural Content Personality®, and lucky for you, we've created a simple, 3-minute (seriously) quiz to help you understand precisely what your Content Personality® is and how to best utilize your natural talents in your messaging.

What most surprised you, or what do you still want to know? Let us know your thoughts below!

More About M. Shannon Hernandez

M. Shannon Hernandez is ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz. She is specifically known around the globe for The Content Personality® Wheel and is the Founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, a business growth strategy and consultancy company that works with coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners. Shannon and her team specialize in organic mission-driven marketing and creative campaigns that help their clients grow aligned audiences and deepen community relationships, so they grow their business for GOOD, resulting in more joy, more time-off, and more profits with purpose.

Headshot of M. Shannon Hernandez

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