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How To Create a Lead Magnet To Attract Fans and Customers

Do you want more fans? Do you want more buyers? Do you want more listeners? Do you want leads for your business? Do you want to connect with your audience in a meaningful way?

Your Lead Magnet can do all of these.

  • It can turn a listener into a fan because it gives them something interesting and useful, from you.
  • It can get you more buyers for your products and services because it gives them something that solves their problem.
  • It can get you more listeners because it may be the first contact an online searcher has with you.
  • It will get you leads for your business. That is its purpose.
  • And finally, the lead magnet will help you to connect with members of your audience in a meaningful way because you get to communicate with your leads via email and share information that you don’t share as part of your show.

It's been said, “the better the lead magnet, the bigger the list”.

Actually, I said it many years ago and continue to say it because it’s true.

Yes, I am talking about the lead magnet. The enticing content that makes your reader, listener, audience member want to give you their email address so you can communicate with them on a regular basis ‘privately’ by email.

In all truth, the lead magnet can make or break a lead generation process. A good one will lead to success and a bigger email list. A bad one will lead to dismay because few people will want to get on your list.

Is a Lead Also A Potential Customer?

The short answer is “No”.

A lead is an unqualified contact. Any person that hasn’t been qualified as a prospect is a lead. In the sales process you do this:

Gather leads > Qualify them into prospects > Move them through your sales funnel to become a paying customer.

For example: Your customer is a sales manager in a Fortune 500 company. You may have 50 people download your lead magnet and give you their email address. Of those 50 people, 23 are solo business owners, 5 are business consultants, 11 are virtual assistants, and 12 are sales managers. All of these people are leads.

A prospect is an individual or organization that fits your criteria to be a potential customer. They don’t have to express interest in what you are selling to be considered a prospect, they just have to fit the right qualifications.

For example: Of the 50 people who gave you email addresses, all are leads and 12 are prospects, aka potential customers.

What Is A Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is anything of value that you offer for free in exchange for someone’s email address.

You can do it through a creative landing page or a simple graphic on your website.

It’s referred to as a “magnet” because it is part of an attraction marketing effort. You want to attract people to your site and program so you offer an enticing freebie. The freebie acts like a magnet, attracting those who are interested in what you’re offering. Those who give you their email address in exchange for that freebie are Leads.

Leads can become prospects.

There are two ways they can qualify to be prospects:

  1. they click on links inside the lead magnet
  2. they click on links inside the emails you send to them (because they’re on your list)

What can you create and offer that is irresistible to your ideal customer?

What can you create and offer that delivers real value and piques their interest in your paid offers?

What steps are involved to create a lead magnet?

Create a Lead Magnet in 5 Steps

1. Know Your Ideal Customer 

Your program is focused on a target audience. This means your lead magnet should be of value to the buyer inside your target audience or the buyer that you want to be a part of your audience.

Everyone listening to your program isn't your ideal customer, but your ideal customer is listening to your program.

It is possible that you have multiple ideal customers. Don't try to create a lead magnet for all of them. Instead, create a separate one for each distinct Ideal Customer.

2. Know What Your Ideal Customer Wants 

You must give them a reason to download your lead magnet. The best lead magnet is the one that gives a quick solution to a common problem your ideal buyer is facing. The quicker they experience results from your lead magnet, the better.

3. Name Your Lead Magnet 

You now know what you're offering and to whom, so naming your lead magnet will be easy. Similar to creating an attention-getting headline for your episode or a blog post for maximum listening or viewing, the name will help you get maximum downloads. Keep it simple, base it on the one challenge and one solution you present in it.

4. Choose The Type Of Lead Magnet To Offer

The most common lead magnets are PDF guides and reports. However, there are other options and there is a list right after step 5. The important thing for you to keep in mind is this:

Keep It Simple. The easier it is to create, the better. The easier it is to download and digest the better.

You want to solve their problem and move them into your sales funnel quickly. Choose a format that allows for fast delivery and consumption.

5. Create Your Lead Magnet

You're done with the strategic work, now you have to actually create the lead magnet.

Let’s look at the types of lead magnets that work well for many podcasters and radio hosts.

Types of Lead Magnets You Can Create Today

Now you know what a lead magnet is, why you should have one, and the 5 steps to creating it.

The most important thing for you to keep in mind is this: you already have the knowledge and likely have the content on hand, so don’t complicate it!

  • If you have a blog you have an eBook.
  • If you have an online course you have a cheat sheet.
  • If you have show notes or transcripts you have a resource guide.

The following list is meant to get you thinking about how you can put your content into a format that will be attractive and useful for your ideal customer. That’s all. If it seems weird or like it’s too much work, then cross it off the list. If it seems doable or like something you may already have on hand, then circle it.

  1. A Short Guide or Report
    Focus on one specific solution for one challenge your ideal customer is experiencing. This could be something like: – show how to prepare their next presentation so their team understands what they need to do- walk through the steps of preparing a speech that inspires or motivates- teach them what to look for when hiring a team member
  2. A Cheat Sheet
    Cheat sheets are more than a checklist but not as in-depth as a guide or report. They’re only a few pages and they get straight to the point. They contain a bit more information than a simple checklist by explaining each point in a short paragraph.
  3. Toolkit/Resource List
    This is an excellent way to provide reference material for them that they can use many times. It’s a great time saver for the lead and a great traffic generator for your website. Because, of course, you’ll have a few tools or resources of your own that they can purchase from your site.
  4. Video Training/Webinar
    Consider creating a video of you showing your prospect how to use your product or walking them through one thing that your service does. Then, at the end of the training or webinar you do a short sell on how they can work with you.
  5. Software Free Trial
    If your product is software, consider the Free Trial option as a lead magnet. When someone can try the product themselves they’re more likely to purchase. How many apps and products have you received a 14-day or 30-day trial to and then purchased for yourself because you liked it?
  6. Offer a Discount
    People love discounts. If it makes sense for you to offer a discount in the form of a coupon or code then all you would need to do is create an image containing that information.
  7. Assessment
    Do you offer coaching? An assessment that includes a guide on how to understand the assessment results is an excellent lead magnet because it not only brings in a lead it also will show you who qualifies to work with you.

Now What?

As you can see, there are quite a few options for creating a lead magnet. There can be more added to this list, but I think there’s enough to get you thinking. Thinking about your audience. Thinking about your ideal customer. Thinking about the content you already have or can easily create that will be attractive to your ideal customer.

What do you do now? You can begin with your own content and quickly create a lead magnet or you can outsource the creation of your lead magnet. Either way, now is the best time to get it done.

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