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Audio/Video Tips for Perfectly Imperfect People

I’ve put together some audio and video production tips and techniques for you to help you get started using audio and video so that you can experiment with getting yourself and your message out into the world in a bigger way.

Audio and Video Production Tips - Tina Dietz

There are few things more frustrating than having a great idea and then getting bogged down, slowed down, or flat out stopped by the learning curve of dealing with technology.

Got a great idea for a show…but you don’t know how to set up a podcast.

Want to try out Facebook Live…but you don’t want your lighting or background to look bad on camera.

Well, guess what?

One of the most valuable pieces of coaching I ever received, and I also pass this on to all my clients, is simply this.

The main reason my company is called “Start Something” is because where most people get stopped with bringing their ideas, dreams, and goals into reality is in the STARTING. Once you start taking steps, momentum takes over and it’s easier to move forward and see your path. 

It’s the first steps that are the most shaky – particularly when it comes to getting yourself out into the public eye with audio and video.

I’m not a highly technical person, and at the same time I like to get things DONE and done well. I also don’t have an unlimited well of patience. Not.Even.Close.

​If this sounds a bit like you too, I’ve put together some tips and techniques for you to help you get started using audio and video so that you can experiment with getting yourself and your message out into the world in a bigger way.

​Audio and video need to be demonstrated rather than talked about, and in the 5 minute video you’ll see today…

  • What microphone I use
  • What you can ‘get away with’ depending on if you’re doing video or audio only
  • How to record audio ‘on the road’
  • My super easy, portable ‘recording studio’ setup
  • Setting up a video background when your room is a mess
  • Ideas for natural, easy video backgrounds
  • The most important element of producing your audio and video messages.

I invite you to experiment this week and try doing a short video, audio, or Facebook Live using these tips – if you do, TAG ME on social media or send me the clip so I can acknowledge you for taking steps towards living the life of your dreams and making the world a better place.

Got more audio/video tips? Let’s chat in the comments!


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